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As an Ambassador for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), I write an article each week for the ADF Ambassador Facebook page. I post those same articles on my website,
—B. Nathaniel “Bev” Sullivan—

“In a time in which Christian parents, teachers, and business leaders are seeking clear biblical insight for the cultural issues and challenges of the day, Nathaniel Sullivan’s website emerges replete with valuable information and resources for becoming a more effective ‘Jude 3‘ Believer. Nathaniel’s intellect and perspective provides pivotal information ‘for such a time as this.’ Spend a few minutes at the Word Foundations website and I believe you’ll be both encouraged and convinced of the significant role Sullivan’s dedicated work offers to the Body of Christ.” — Dr. Rick Brewer, President of Louisiana College in Pineville, Louisiana

“B. Nathaniel Sullivan is an astute student of our Constitution and the Bible. He is widely read and his articles are extremely enlightening. For the individual who wants to get to the heart of a matter without reading sixteen books, is the place to go. For the serious student who wants facts documented and desires to read more, Sullivan provides links to further information. I have known Nathaniel for many years and have found him to be a person of extreme integrity.” — Gary D. Chapman, Ph.D., author of The Five Love Languages

“I have found B. Nathaniel (Bev) Sullivan and to be a great resource for issues related to a Biblical Worldview, especially as it relates legal matters and to the US Constitution.  Bev is theologically sound, historically accurate and he is always clear in spelling out his sources.  You will find this website to be very helpful as you understand many of the pressing issues of our day.” — Dr. Bruce G. Chesser, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, Tennessee

“I’ve known Bev Sullivan since 2006, and when it comes to Scripture and the culture, he “gets it.” I have been contending for biblical principles in the public square in Tennessee since 1994 and there are few I have met over that time who have Bev’s ability to connect the dots between Scripture and what is going on in our culture. With his understanding of Scripture, history, and cultural events, Bev offers his readers keen insights that will help them better discern the times. It is encouraging to me in my own work in Tennessee to know he is contending for the faith right alongside me.” — David Fowler, former Tennessee Senator and president of the Family Action Council of Tennessee

“Bev Nathaniel Sullivan is a careful author who makes sure his primary sources are accurately presented and accessible to readers no matter what the topic. With a Christian conviction and patriotic sentiment, Bev provides educational resources for the Christian layman on the pressing issues of the day. American Christians especially would do well to frequent his website.” — Jon Harris, historian and podcaster, “Conversations That Matter

“I am thankful for the resource that provides for study of both the Constitution of the United States and the relevant historical background that informed the thinking of the framers.  In a culture where some of us have forgotten the Biblical and Constitutional foundations of our nation, it is refreshing to see a resource like this made available for a larger audience.” — Dr. John Jackson, President of William Jessup University in Rocklin, California, and the author of numerous books on leadership and spiritual formation

“I just want to thank you so much for your avid role as an Ambassador. One of the things that you know about is this distorted sense of equality, this false sense of rights in America that have nothing to do with the Constitution, that have nothing to do with Scripture, that have nothing to do with our Lord—and you have done such a great job at articulating truth. We’re so thankful for the series of articles that you’ve written, and we look forward to seeing what you do in the future.…[T]hank you so very much for…standing up for liberty, for freedom, and for truth in this very difficult time for a nation. God bless you!” — Alan Sears, Founder and former President, CEO, and General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom

B. Nathaniel Sullivan and I became friends years ago after he contacted me after reading my book Going Green. I’ve gotten to know him over the years as a faithful, talented and thoughtful Christian writer. Nathaniel really “gets it” with clarity that is sorely lacking in our culture today. I highly recommend you follow his blog, — Chris Skates, author, scientist, cultural observer, and energy advisor to two administrations

“I’m a fan of the important writings my long-time friend Bev Sullivan offers each of us through his WordFoundations website. He’s as skillful at understanding and explaining the times as at the craft of writing. What strikes me is his unique ability to drill right down into the most pressing and consequential issues of the day. It’s not just a collection of commentary on current news, but a wise explanation of the topics contributing to the current spirit of the age. Bev’s work here is a gift to the Church.” — Glenn T. Stanton, author, director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family

“This deserves wide attention. Read the series on rights here and then share it with many others.” — E. Calvin BeisnerFounder and National Spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, referring to the series on rights titled Misinformed and Misled


Institutions and organizations are named for identification purposes only. These individuals are speaking for themselves with regard to their endorsements, not for any institution or organization.

top image: Albert Bierstadt: Lake Tahoe—This painting is in the public domain.