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Five Ways Promoters of the Militant Homosexual Agenda Are Bullying the Public

Resist the Bullies: Part 1

Leftists are not about live and let live. They are about wholesale control. Their movers and shakers see society as their project, and they can change everything and everyone through government and their domination of the culture. There is no live and let live in their bones. In view of all this, it is amazing that so many conservatives, traditionalists and Christians are blind to the hostile, aggressive and unquenchable appetite of the leftist movement. It is chilling to me that they don’t realize this trend is going to continue until there is either a cultural or legal confrontation or the left stamps out all dissent. The left is never satisfied even with winning; they must stomp out the opposition.
—David Limbaugh1

The militant homosexual movement has greatly advanced its radical agenda through anti-bullying measures and policies.2,3 Of course, bullying in any form toward any individual or group is abhorrent and must be rejected. No one, including a homosexual, ever should be bullied. That said, we must describe the current situation in real and stark terms. Although evident for quite some time, it has never been clearer that militant gays and lesbians, many of whom have cried out against the bullying of homosexuals, have become the real bullies. While this double-standard has not been espoused by all homosexuals,4,5,6 it remains the posture of those promoting the militant gay agenda. Here are five specific ways that radical gay activists are bullying the American public.

First, militant homosexual activists do not respect the democratic process or the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box. We have seen their disrespect time and time again as homosexual activists used the courts to overrule the will of the people in 32 states7 where constitutional amendments were adopted through due process. Ultimately their quest led them to the Supreme Court of the United States, where by the thinnest of majorities, the court ruled in favor of nationwide same-sex marriage. The ruling sparked some of the harshest dissents in the history of the Supreme Court.8

We see the latest manifestation of this contempt for due process in a call for the Super Bowl, which Houston is scheduled to host 2017,9 to be held elsewhere.10 On November 3, 2015, Houstonians rejected a bill dubbed HERO, the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, by a 61 to 39 percent margin.11 The bill would have allowed males who self-identified as females—including sexual predators—to enter and use women’s bathroom and locker facilities.12 Houston’s openly lesbian mayor fought hard for the measure, at one point even violating the civil rights of five pastors by subpoenaing their sermons.13 Activists’ calls for the relocation of the Super Bowl showcase their bullying prowess.

Second, closely related to the issue of elections and the democratic process, gay activists do not care at all about the miniscule size of their numbers in comparison to the population at large. It should not surprise us, then, that they are ready to bulldoze over everyone else to get their way. Certainly the members of all minorities should be respected as persons and treated with dignity—but surely members of majorities ought to be treated respectfully as well. Research places the number LBGT (lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgendered) individuals at just 3.8 percent of the total population, with only 0.2 percent of the population-at-large being transgendered.14 Other research indicates the number to be even less.15 Knowing larger numbers are necessary to draw greater sympathy and political clout—and to promote an illusion of normalcy—activists have perpetuated the lie that 10 percent of the population are homosexual.16 The lie has worked; most Americans believe the LGBT community is much larger.17 Don’t swallow this lie or its implications. This leads us to the third point.

Third, militant gay activists don’t care about the facts. They promote their agenda using arguments that they deem useful for the moment, but they abandon those points once they have “outlived their usefulness.” Writing in The Weekly Standard, Jonathan V. Last quotes Brandon Ambrosino, a writer and a dancer who admitted:

[I]t’s time for the LGBT community to start moving beyond genetic predisposition as a tool for gaining mainstream acceptance of gay rights. .  .  . For decades now, it’s been the most powerful argument in the LGBT arsenal: that we were “born this way.”…Still, as compelling as these arguments are, they may have outgrown their usefulness. With most Americans now in favor of gay marriage, it’s time for the argument to shift to one where genetics don’t matter. The genetic argument has boxed us into a corner.18,19

Ambrosino now prefers to embrace the idea that sexual orientation is malleable and even a choice. After all, shouldn’t people be free to live and do as they please?

There’s more. Last quotes another gay activist who acknowledges “some truth to the conservative claim that gay marriage is changing, not just expanding, marriage.”20 Suppose, for example, that the promiscuity practiced by homosexual men in “monogamous” relationships were to spill over into the heterosexual community and be emulated. (A high percentage of homosexual relationships are promiscuous.21) That would change the institution of marriage, after all!22 And what about advocates of natural marriage who contended that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would open a Pandora’s Box, making it impossible to limit marriage to two people? They were ridiculed when they made this point, but now that same-sex marriage is legal, some activists are willing to say that, well, yes, polygamy probably ought to be legalized as well.23,24 Like their playground counterparts, LGBT bullies, ignoring the facts, run roughshod over their victims at every turn.

Fourth, gay activists plead for tolerance but are among the most intolerant people in the world. For brevity’s sake, let’s cite just one example. Perhaps nothing brings out greater vitriol from LGBT activists than an individual’s claim that he or she is ex-gay. Now, certainly homosexuals can have their own opinions about the validity of such a claim, but true tolerance respects those with whom one disagrees. Were gay activists really tolerant, they would respect the rights of others, even those who say they are ex-gays, to live as they see fit and to make their case in the marketplace of ideas. Instead, militant homosexual activists vilify ex-gays, discriminating against them with reckless abandon.25,26 We must not allow same-sex marriage advocates to get away with intolerant behavior simply because it is cloaked in a mantle of tolerance.

Fifth, as the previous four items have indicated, militant gay rights advocates see the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples as a step toward a larger, more important goal. They seek to remake society altogether. Matt Barber, an astute cultural observer, has understood this for years.27 This is a spiritual war! Do not think that appeasement or compromise will ward off further demands. Homosexual militants never will be satisfied.28

What goals are being sought? Marriage, one activist believes, must be totally abolished.29 She is not alone.30,31 Dissenters—advocates of traditional, man-woman marriage—must be coerced into accepting and even celebrating same-sex unions. At the very least, they must be silenced.32,33 This truly will recast American society into a virtual dictatorship: “Celebrate with us or else!”

Just as school kids must never surrender the playground to bullies, so we as Americans must never give in to the militant homosexual activists. Resistance is absolutely essential if we are to remain a free society and avoid living under tyranny.

By the way, the five items we’ve mentioned here do not constitute an exhaustive list. Stay tuned.

Part 2 is available here.
Part 3 is available here.

Copyright © 2015 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All Rights Reserved.

For further reading:

The Daily Caller: Why the Super Bowl Must Stay in Houston by Scott Greer

RenewAmerica: Unmasking the “gay” agenda by Matt Barber


















18 ; original link:

19,20,21,22,23 ; original link:

24 ; original link:












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Published inExploring and Applying the Truth: Weekly PostsMilitant Homosexual Agenda

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