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Month: July 2018

The Dangers of Being Thrown off Course: Beware of Revoice!

Our identity is in Christ. It’s not in our libido. We should be following our Lord, not our sexual drive, in terms of our definition of what it means to be a human being.
Everett Piper

Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality
—Revoice Conference—

Note: We will continue our series on “Equipping Members of the Next Generation of Christians to Defend Their Faith and to Embrace a Biblical Worldview” next time. The timing and urgency of another matter temporarily have pulled me away from that project.

Key point: Even though the Revoice Conference presents itself as compassionate, friendly, helpful, benign, and loving, it is pulling people and the church away from biblical truth and charting a very perilous course.

This week I write about an urgent matter, the Revoice Conference being held at the Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri

Biblical Underpinnings of the Christian Worldview

Equipping Members of the Next Generation of Christians to Defend Their Faith and to Embrace a Biblical Worldview, Part 10

Today’s marginalization of Christianity is a direct result of our failure to understand our faith as a total worldview.
Charles Colson

You can find links to all the articles in this series here.

Key points: The Bible provides a comprehensive belief system through which we can make sense of the world in which we live. Moreover, it commends this belief system to all and encourages Christians to contend for it in the marketplace of ideas.

Some years ago I attended the funeral of a prominent Christian leader. I had not known the deceased man personally but was thankful for his