Clients’ Rights and Government Wrongs, Part 3
Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Among modern statesmen it really seems to mean that half a loaf is better than a whole loaf.
—G. K. Chesterton—
Leftists are not about live and let live. They are about wholesale control. Their movers and shakers see society as their project, and they can change everything and everyone through government and their domination of the culture. There is no live and let live in their bones. In view of all this, it is amazing that so many conservatives, traditionalists and Christians are blind to the hostile, aggressive and unquenchable appetite of the leftist movement. It is chilling to me that they don’t realize this trend is going to continue until there is either a cultural or legal confrontation or the left stamps out all dissent. The left is never satisfied even with winning; they must stomp out the opposition.
—David Limbaugh—

Key point: On the issue of banning therapy that assists people in overcoming unwanted same-sex attraction and homosexuality, compromising with ban-supporters will amount to surrender. Just as we wouldn’t abandon someone who is drowning, we cannot cut off the possibility of therapy from those who want to pursue it!
All the articles in this series are available here.
We are in the midst of a series on attempts to ban therapy that addresses unwanted same-sex attraction. The introductory article examined the large number of bans already in place that prohibit therapy for minors. Parts 1 through 5 either have covered or will cover the following items below. What must Christians do to preserve liberty and freedom? In this post, we’ll see why we must never compromise on this issue.
- Be gracious, but also wary, informed, and involved.
- Expect similar proposals in the future.
- Don’t compromise!
- Acknowledge that some therapy and counseling Is beneficial, and support it. Affirm the rights of clients to get whatever therapy, treatment, or counseling they want. Don’t buy “conversion therapy” rhetoric and propaganda.
- Stop misrepresenting what the Bible teaches about homosexuality—and stop being taken in by misrepresentations.
An Important Reminder
“Conversion therapy” isn’t what ban supporters say it is! Effective therapy to help clients with unwanted same-sex attraction…
- primarily addresses the underlying causes of the attraction, not the attraction itself;
- seeks to facilitate healing of any emotional and developmental wounds that might be in the client’s past;
- respects the client’s wishes and desires, as therapist and client aim toward mutually-agreed-upon goals;
- never shames or coerces a client;
- does not involve treatments that are condemned as part of “conversion therapy”; and
- is a threat to the narrative that homosexuals cannot change their sexual orientation—because with the help of effective counseling and/or therapy, many homosexuals have!
A longer statement emphasizing these points is available here.
3. Don’t Compromise!
Compromise with LGBT activists is not possible. “Compromise” actually would amount to surrender. Advocates of the gay agenda have demonstrated they have no idea at all what true tolerance means. Specifically, they are threatened by the very people they ignored in the debate over AB 2943.
Ex-gays remain the most discriminated against minority in the country. Yet without the input of former homosexuals on legislation of this nature, all claims of diversity, inclusion, and fairness ring hollow.
Let’s put it another way. Ex-gays remain the most discriminated against minority in the country. Yet without the input of former homosexuals on legislation of this nature, all claims of diversity, inclusion, and fairness ring hollow. Remember that in his statement explaining that AB 2943 would not go to the governor’s desk this year, Evan Low said, “I believe every person who attended these meetings [I held with California’s religious leaders] left with a greater understanding for the underlying reason and intention of this bill to create a loving and inclusive environment for all” (emphasis added).
A Persecuted Minority
Yes, the most maligned minority in the country is the ex-gay community. Michael Brown declares,
Why…can’t the LGBT community accept it when someone says, “I was once out and proud as a gay person; now I’m out and proud as an ex-gay person”? Why, instead, do LGBT’s commonly mock and attack and ridicule those who identify as ex-gay (or ex-trans)?
The reason is simple: If it is possible for someone to change from gay to straight, either through the gospel or through counseling (or both), then the whole “innate and immutable” argument goes out the window. (The same can be said for someone who is ex-trans.)
In other words, one of the foundations of LGBT activism is that “We’re born this way, and we can’t change. Gay is the new black. (Or trans is the new black.) This is who we are. Our sexual identity is as innate and immutable as our skin color.”
That’s why those who say, “I used to be gay, but I’m free today” must be maligned. Their existence must be denied. Their ultimate failure must be assured.
One of the foundations of LGBT activism is that “We’re born this way, and we can’t change.
—Michael Brown—
Squelching the Threat in Whatever Ways Possible
It has become abundantly clear that were LGBT activists to listen to and include former homosexuals in the discussion about therapy bans, this would undermine activists’ core reason for proposing this kind of legislation! We can be grateful that former homosexuals, many of whom say they have been helped by pro-heterosexual counseling and/or therapy, are not giving up. They rightly are demanding a seat at the table.
While not all former homosexuals are Christians, a great many are. They are becoming vocal, as is their right! They’re not only standing up for the truth, they’re also giving the rest of the body of Christ an example to follow. Francis Schaeffer’s words of long ago describe their tenacity and courage. Schaeffer said, “The ‘little man,’ the private citizen, can at any time stand up and, on the basis of biblical teaching, say that the majority is wrong.1 Few insights could be more important than this one in our day!
The “little man,” the private citizen, can at any time stand up and, on the basis of biblical teaching, say that the majority is wrong.
—Francis Schaeffer—
What Has Evan Low Been Up To—Really?
Daren Mehl is president of Voice of the Voiceless, a group that represents former homosexuals and contends for recognition of their rights. On September 4, 2018, Voice of the Voiceless issued a press release in which Mehl challenged the notion that Evan Low’s withdrawing AB 2943 was the main reason for its demise.
Mehl is keen listener and an astute observer of events and behavior. Moreover, he has an ability to understand what they mean. Of Low’s decision to pull AB 2943, and of his statement announcing the decision (which we have quoted above in part), Mehl said,
I don’t see any evidence of Low traveling up and down the state. Could he please elaborate? Please publish your agenda, the locations, and the people you met with. Why didn’t you post any of these meetings or summaries of the discussions you had on social media? Which faith leaders? Ones that were opposing or supporting the bill? Were you driving around to gather support, or to work across the aisle? I see no evidence of the latter. Low says he was “heartened by the conversations he heard in these meetings” because it ensured that those people he spoke with understood all the “trauma he went through as a child, and the personal reasons why he was pushing this bill.” So in essence, his meetings were not to listen but to sell members of the faith community on how the intention of the bill is to create an inclusive LGBT community as the defacto, only answer to anyone who questions their sexuality. But that’s not inclusive!
I’m not sure Low is in a place that he is willing to learn from our former homosexual community of Christians. The vacuum left by his pride is preventing an entire community from participating in conversations. For example, he has not mentioned once, anywhere, about the formers in the “once gay” community. Until all of our issues with this bill are addressed and the narrative around “conversion therapy” is cleaned up from being the straw-man it is, his efforts will always lead to a weak piece of legislation, one that strong arms people into his own LGBT community identity and lifestyle choices.
By stating the bill requires additional time, Low is committing to bring it right back instead of acknowledging that he simply ran out of time to jam this bill through. He was not expecting the organized and highly engaged church communities and ex-gay community to be so vocal and politically engaged. The evangelicals showed up and it proved too much for the Democrats that he didn’t want to run with it before mid-term elections. In fact, when the hundreds of former homosexuals and members of the faith community showed up in Sacramento to testify, staff at the Capitol remarked they had never seen so many people show up to oppose ANY issue. Low’s path towards “full equality” needs to also include former homosexuals and the rights of individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions and gender identity conflicts to receive the help they desire. Otherwise, his words are simply empty rhetoric.
Are Some Christians and Christian Institutions Caving Already?
Mehl and hundreds of other former homosexuals have taken a stand for their rights and for liberty and freedom. We can rejoice in this, but we must do more. We must follow their example. Thankfully, they are not about to compromise on the issue of therapy and counseling. Unfortunately, certain others in the Christian community apparently already have!
Meet Kevin Mannoia, Chaplain at Azusa Pacific University (APU), a university located in Azusa, California that claims to be “a community of disciples and scholars preparing to impact the world for Christ.”
Over the summer, Low met with Mannoia. Dr. Mannoia apparently was exactly the kind of Christian leader for which Evan Low had been searching. In an article dated September 6, 2018, the editors of Christianity Today reported,
“Some would say this [my decision to pull AB 2943] is crazy,” Low, who is gay and the chairman of the legislative LGBTQ caucus, told The Los Angeles Times. “Why would you pause when you don’t need to, when you’re in the driver’s seat?”
One answer was Low’s relationship with Kevin Mannoia, the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals and a leader in the Free Methodist Church.
Over the course of the summer, Mannoia met with and developed a relationship with Low. Last week, Mannoia wrote an op-ed for The Orange County Register expressing his opposition to the bill—and to reparative therapy. Low dropped the bill the next day.
The current chaplain of APU was president of the National Association of Evangelicals briefly, from 1999-2001. His tenure was controversial and raised concerns. Fast forward to 2018, when, as Chaplain, Mannoia wrote this in his op-ed:
Mr. Low’s central purpose as I understand it, is one which I and many other Christian leaders can support. Reparative therapy is without evidence as to its efficacy and is inconsistent with Christian living. We support Mr. Low in his opposition to practices that cause harm in people. This is contrary to the nature of the Christian message, which, while calling for change in all people to be oriented toward Christ even at great sacrifice, neither favors nor supports any practice that causes harm.
Failing to Understand and Uphold the Truth
What?? Without evidence? Not so. Here is evidence! Here is additional evidence—a number of personal testimonials regarding change. While not of them involve therapy or counseling, some do. It is irresponsible and wrong to berate all therapy as Kevin Mannoia has done.
Will Mannoia be touted as a spokesperson for all Christians when other therapy-ban proposals are introduced? Don’t be surprised! This is why it is so important for those who disagree with him to speak up and to refuse to budge on therapy-ban legislation. Just as we wouldn’t abandon someone who is drowning, we cannot cut off the possibility of therapy from those who want to pursue it!
Just as we wouldn’t abandon someone who is drowning, we cannot cut off the possibility of therapy from those who want to pursue it!
Perhaps not surprisingly, just weeks after Kevin Mannoia’s op-ed appeared, APU announced it was changing its policy regarding same-sex romantic relationships on campus: Azusa Pacific Removes Ban on LGBTQ+ Relationships, Creates Program for Students.
A Perilous Path
What’s wrong with APU’s new policy? Many things, but here I’ll name four.
- First, it equates romantic same-sex relationships with romantic opposite-sex relationships, and the two are not the same. The latter align with God’s design for humanity, and the former are contrary to it.
- Related to the first item, APU’s policy upholds a gay identity as a neutral or even a good thing, when in fact it stands in opposition to a believer’s identity in Christ. We highlighted the dangers of attempts to merge these two identities when we discussed the Revoice Conference held in St. Louis earlier this year.
- Third, the guidelines assume that the desires involved in same-sex romantic relationships are not sinful as long as they are not acted upon. Just as this isn’t true with heterosexual lust (see Matt. 5:27-28), it cannot be true with homosexual lust, either. But there’s more. Someone might make the point that same-sex attraction isn’t sin—just temptation; and in certain cases, they are right. But setting the stage for same-sex attraction, or to feed it, is sin. It cannot be otherwise. Paul wrote to the Colossians Christians in Colossians 3:5-6, 5 “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.” It isn’t just sinful acts that incur God’s wrath, but also evil desires! APU’s new policy is fertile ground for these kinds of desires to flourish and grow.
- Fourth, is it really that difficult for people to see where this is headed? APU already has accepted the false teaching that same sex relationships can be romantic without being sinful. How much much further can it slide before hitting bottom? Can the school really be that far away from claiming homosexuality itself isn’t sinful?
Do you see what really is at stake? The truth of God’s Word is at stake!
We cannot budge! We cannot compromise!
As Christians, we must uphold the truth. This includes the truth about both therapy and homosexuality!
Next time, we’ll discuss in greater detail the importance of a client’s right to receive the therapy he or she desires. Then, following that, we’ll focus on what the Bible actually says about homosexuality.
Stay tuned!
Update: Posted Saturday, September 29, 2018. Apparently the Board of Trustees at APU is backtracking regarding the new policy change. In a statement issued on Friday, September 29, the Board issued this statement. It says in part,
Last week, reports circulated about a change to the undergraduate student standards of conduct. That action concerning romanticized relationships was never approved by the board and the original wording has been reinstated.
We see every student as a gift from God, infinitely valuable and worthy in the eyes of our Creator and as members of our campus community. We believe our university is the best place for earnest and guided conversation to unfold with all students about every facet of life, including faith and sexuality. We embrace all students who seek a rigorous Christian higher education and voluntarily join us in mission.
We pledge to boldly uphold biblical values and not waiver in our Christ-centered mission. We will examine how we live up to these high ideals and enact measures that prevent us from swaying from that sure footing.
The full statement is available here. This is a developing story, but I wanted you to be aware of this update, since this article carries information about APU released earlier.
Update: Posted March 19, 2019
“Azusa Pacific University lifts LGBTQ relationship ban (again)”
Copyright © 2018 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture passages have been taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live? (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1976), 110.
top image: Lightstock
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