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Reining in Executives Who’ve Overstepped Their Authority

The Constitution is government’s stop sign. It says, you – the three branches of government — can go so far and no farther.
Michelle Bachmann

Key point: Governors are effectively making laws and implementing them through executive orders. This must stop; it’s a violation of the principle of separation of powers in a constitutional government.

Gary Humble is a resident of Williamson County in Middle Tennessee. When the Williamson County School Board released its framework with guidelines for its schools to reopen this fall, and the framework included a regulation that face coverings would be worn by students and teachers until the county registered no new Covid-19 cases, Gary knew it was time to act.

Adults don’t know how to use masks properly, and now kids in an entire county will be required to wear them all day at school? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that in the minds of some students, a mask would make a great slingshot! And that’s just for starters. The number of uses and non-uses of face coverings will be limited only by students’ imaginations.

Of course, there are additional concerns. Will masks be properly cleaned, and cleaned in a timely manner? With each and every mask, it’s anybody’s guess. Some masks probably won’t get washed more than once every few days or once a week, and they will be stored in less-than-clean places. Imagine how much a breeding ground for germs, viruses, and bacteria such a mask will become. Just handling a mask can increase the spread of a significant number of diseases. These are only some of the problems arising from an approach that is laser-focused on just one issue.

Further, consider these items about face coverings. This—

and this from Good Morning America—

Be sure to watch another informative video about face coverings at the end of this post.

The Real Issue Isn’t Masks, but Abuse of Power

Tennesseans and all Americans should realize that this isn’t just about Williamson County in Tennessee, and it isn’t just about public schools. In this just-over-two-and-a-half-minute clip from a Facebook video, even has he hones in on the local issue that compels him to speak out, Gary Humble presents the larger picture.

Mr. Humble is right. He declares,

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee

I believe that Governor Bill Lee has way overexercised his authority as governor of this state in his emergency powers.…

We need to get our legislators active. It’s time for executives like the governor, and county mayors, and city mayors, and now health boards, and now school boards, to stop unilaterally making laws and policy that affect our everyday lives.

Laws and policy are not made by the executive branch. They’re made by the legislative branch. They’re made by our state representatives. That is how our representative government works. We have a system of government in America that operates under the “consent of the governed.”

Laws are made that rule us, that we consent to, by our representatives, and it’s way past time for the state legislature to take an emergency session and convene and amend the emergency powers statute so that we can get our liberties back and not be run by tyrants, because look, guys, we’re making this stuff up as we go.…This has never happened before. No one knows where this authority comes from, and we’re just making it up. And it’s time for it to stop (emphasis added).

Take Action

David Fowler

David Fowler, President of the Family Action Council of Tennessee, has written about this issue from a statewide perspective. His article, which you can access here, is titled “Will Tennessee’s Representatives Restore Representative Government to Tennessee?”

Go here to find out who your state represenative and senator are. It’s simple; just enter in your residence address and hit return. Once you know, go here, to the Tennessee General Assembly website, to find them and their contact information.

Unconstitutional Orders!

Gavin Newsom / Facebook

This is important. And again, it isn’t just about Tennessee. California Governor Gavin Newsom recently

issued a new edict via the State’s Public Health Officer dictating that about 80 percent of California’s faithful [churchgoing population] may not gather for any worship, no matter how small the gathering.

As of July 13, ALL indoor services are banned in 30 counties, even IN-HOME Bible studies and fellowship. More counties may be added by King Newsom. In the other counties, the worship attendance is limited to 25 percent of building capacity or 100 people, whichever is less. But, singing and chanting is also banned, and this includes in-home Bible studies and fellowship meetings.

Yet the very order that bans indoor church and in-home Bible studies specifically ALLOWS PROTESTS.

Under California’s latest directive, you can engage in revolutionary riots tearing businesses and neighborhoods apart, but you cannot have a Bible study with your neighbor or friend in your own home.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp

Governor Newsom is not alone. Governors in at least five other states are placing heavy restrictions on churches and churchgoers, even as they effectively give protestors carte blanche to do whatever they please. Meanwhile, in a show of restraint that has become all too rare among governors, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is, through executive order, preventing cities and counties in his state from mandating masks.

Laws and policy are not made by the executive branch. They’re made by the legislative branch. They’re made by our state representatives. That is how our representative government works. We have a system of government in America that operates under the “consent of the governed.”
—Gary Humble—

As Gary Humble has said, governors, or state executives, do not make laws. Legislators and legislatures do, and “it’s way past time” for state representatives to take action “so that we can get our liberties back and not be run by tyrants.”

Will you take action in your state?


Copyright © 2020 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

image credit: Tennessee Governor Bill Lee


Additional information —

— about face masks:

— about how all the dots are connected:

In this video, Gary Humble asks and answers these questions:

Who are these medical experts [recommending mask mandates]? Who is advising the governor? Who are school boards taking cues from in how we respond to this virus? How did we get here and why do things continue to escalate without much conversation happening?

The answers may surprise you, but you won’t want to ignore them!

There’s more to this story than we can go into here. Go here for more information.











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