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We Know Intuitively that Unborn Babies are Human Beings, and Human Beings of Infinite Worth

The story of Nazi Germany is really the story of the weakness of human beings, the fallen nature, of how easily—under the exigencies of the moment—we succumb to the worst kinds of evils. I know nobody likes drawing comparisons with the Nazis, and I understand why.…[Yet, y]ou look at the events of the thirties, and you realize that, culturally, we are on a very similar trajectory.

German culture accommodated Hitler. What will we accommodate?

—Chuck Colson1

Democrats in the New York Legislature, along with Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, used Tuesday, January 22, 2019, the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, to enact an expansive new abortion law statewide. It is called the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). Before the vote took place in the New York Senate, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins expressed her joy over the near certainty that the proposed bill would become law:

We have a president who’s made it very, very clear that he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade. Today, here in New York, we are saying no […] and we’re not just saying no. We’re saying that here in New York, women’s health matters. We’re saying here in New York, women’s lives matter. We’re saying here in New York, women’s decisions matter.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo at New York City’s Gay Pride event in 2013

Following the 38-24 vote, the Senate chamber erupted in applause. Here, in this chamber in recent years, a Republican majority had thwarted attempts to pass this legislation. With the 2018 elections, however, Democrats gained control of the chamber and vowed to make passage a top priority.

The vote in the New York Assembly was 92-47, and Governor Cuomo signed the legislation the very same day. Early in the legislative session, Democrats also made it a priority to ban therapy for minors seeking help to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction. That bill was signed into law by the governor on January 25. One is prompted to wonder if the Democrats care at all about the economy, jobs, and other issues that concern their constituents on a day-to-day basis.

After the legislation was passed, I wrote an article titled “Nine Reasons God Will Judge New York and America for New York’s New Abortion Law—Unless We Repent.” Here is reason #3:

3. God will judge New York and America for this new law because we know intuitively that unborn babies are human beings, and they are human beings of infinite worth.

Not far from One World Trade Center, which Governor Cuomo ordered to be lit in pink in celebration of the RHA’s passage, is the 9/11 Memorial. The memorial bears the names of those who died in the militant Islamist terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Ten of those entries represent twenty individuals. They are

Deanna Lynn Galante and her unborn child
Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas and her unborn child
Jennifer L. Howley and her unborn child
Helen Crossin Kittle and her unborn child
Vanessa Lang and her unborn child
Patricia Ann Cimaroli Massari and her unborn child
Renee A. May and her unborn child
Sylvia San Pio Resta and her unborn child
Rahma Salie and her unborn child
Dianne Singer and her unborn child

Also recognized at the memorial are Monica Rodriguez Smith and her unborn child, both of whom perished in February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

When these women died, their loved ones’ grief surely was compounded because their babies also were lost. In an article appearing at, Emily Ngo writes,

Acknowledging the unborn underscores how deeply the attacks devastated families and their futures, said 9/11 memorial president Joe Daniels.

“It’s a special part of the memorial,” he said. “It reinforces that message about the whole project that the folks were just like us, that they were about to start these lives. . . . It reminds us that they were who we are.”

Thus, point number 3 is multi-layered. We know intuitively that

      • the unborn are human,
      • they are of infinite worth, and that
      • government’s job is to protect and preserve innocent human life, not destroy it.

As Thomas Jefferson declared, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

Supporters of the Reproductive Health Act, as well as those who are content to let it pass and take effect without objecting so they can focus on other things, are promoting bad government, even tyrannical government.

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.
—Thomas Jefferson—

God notices, and He will judge us if we do not repent and work tirelessly against this. While the Lord is patient and merciful, His patience and mercy are not limitless in the face of raw, relentless depravity.

The complete article is available here.


Copyright © 2020 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.


1Charles Colson with Ann Morse, My Final Word: Holding Tight to the Issues that Matter Most, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015), 48. Please see additional quotes relevant to this article here.















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