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Democrats Unmasked: Why Unity Is Not Possible

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
George Washington

Key point: Leftists have taken over the Democrat party; therefore it is not possible to preserve liberty and find common ground with them. Rather, they and their agenda must be defeated.

Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of racism and of being anti-woman, but look at what happened earlier this week. To his supporters and friends on  Tuesday, October 27, Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families described the situation in which liberty loving Americans now find themselves. He wrote, 

Last night, just before 8:00 PM, the Senate voted 52 to 48 to confirm Amy Coney Barrett as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.  Moments later, she was sworn in at the White House by my good friend Justice Clarence Thomas.

The symbolism of Clarence Thomas, the first conservative black justice, swearing in Amy Coney Barrett was extremely powerful.

As a US Senator, Joe Biden presided over the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Justice Thomas, but do not forget that several years before that, he presided over the hearings for Robert Bork.

Joe Biden presides over the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Robert Bork

Bauer continues,

The left, led by Joe Biden as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, desperately tried to destroy Thomas, a black conservative who dared to think differently.  We all know what Biden thinks of black men and women who think for themselves — “You ain’t black!”

The Barrett family with President Trump on September 26, 2020

But there Thomas was last night, swearing in another historic first – the first conservative, pro-life female justice.  Justice Barrett is an inspiration to all the young women in America who believe in the sanctity of life and the values of faith, family and freedom.

In her remarks, Justice Barrett said, “I love the Constitution and the democratic republic that it establishes, and I will devote myself to preserving it.” [You can watch the ceremony here.]

I know those words resonate with millions of Americans.  We must all do our part to preserve our country by voting in this critical election!

As expected, not one Democrat voted for Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation, in spite of polling that showed a majority of Americans supported her.

This issue alone – restoring balance to our courts – is reason enough for every conservative and every moderate to vote for Donald Trump and Republican Senate candidates. [Emphasis added.]

Abortion: The Linchpin Issue

Gary Bauer

Why are the Democrats so solidly against Barrett? A day earlier, Bauer explained in his daily update that because the leftist agenda is unpopular, Democrats have relied on the courts to implement it by legislating from the bench. Justice Barrett will make this strategy more difficult. This is especially true since she replaces Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You see, the Democrats are committed to leftism, and leftism and the Constitution are at odds with each other.

Amy Coney Barrett

The linchpin issue for Democrats in this confirmation process has been abortion, but other issues are important to them as well. Gary Bauer explains,

Democrats are scared to death that they might lose the imaginary right to abortion on demand, which nobody could find in the Constitution from 1789 until 1973.  That so-called “right” regularly devours other rights, such as the right to demonstrate outside of an abortion clinic, and it demands that men and women of faith subsidize it with our tax dollars.

For decades, Democrats have been using the court to do their dirty work.  No Congress would have ever voted to take prayer out of the schools.  They counted on leftist judges to do it for them.

No Congress would have ever voted to make abortion on demand legal.  They counted on unelected judges to do it for them.

State after state voted on the definition of marriage, and traditional marriage won [nearly] every time [go here for the record].  But the left counted on the “Supremes” to overrule the American people, and they did.

The left is terrified that with five solid conservatives and a weak-kneed John Roberts, it will no longer be able to count on the Supreme Court to advance a far-left social agenda.

And so they will do whatever they must to ensure continued control, which is why a “President Biden” or “President Harris” will pack the Supreme Court.

That’s what is on the ballot in 8 days. [Emphasis added.]

Gary Bauer isn’t kidding! Anticipating that it won’t be long before Justice Barrett’s presence on the Court becomes evident in rulings, the Democrats are discussing the possibility of impeaching her.

Not Your Grandparents’ Democrat Party

In a recent article, Christian leader, author, and radio talk show host Dr. Michael Brown reflected on the history of Senate confirmations of judicial appointees and the ominous implications of a lack of support from any Democrats in the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.

Gone are the days when someone like Justice Ginsburg could be confirmed by a vote of 96-3. Or Justice Antonin Scalia by a vote of 98-0. Obviously, there was much more bipartisanship on both sides in the past.

But, reviewing the voting of the last 40 years, it’s clear that it is the Democrats who have dug in their heels against conservative justices rather than Republicans doing the same with liberals. (I’m talking about actual votes, not refusing to vote on a nominee during a divided election year.)…

[W]hen it comes to some of the greatest issues of our day, issues that touch on our most fundamental freedoms, on the definition of marriage, and on the sanctity of life, the Democrats have been making their positions clear.

Now, they have spoken with one voice in their unanimous opposition to Justice Amy Coney Barrett. As summed up in the words of “nay” voting Democrat Mazie Hirono, “h*** no.”

Senator Mazie Hirono

Let the record, and these words, be remembered for posterity.

And let the record, and these words, be remembered on November 3.

The Democrats have spoken. [Emphases added.]

Democrats Have Made It Impossible for Conservatives to Find Common Ground with Them.

House Democrats have revealed their true colors as well. Remember what we noted in a previous post: 

Almost without exception, Democrats march lockstep together already, towing the leftist line. If you don’t believe this, consider that on June 25, 2020, not one single Democrat in the House of Representatives voted in support of a resolution condemning the violence that has overtaken numerous American cities in recent months. If Democrats really were representing their constituents, would they not have condemned the looting, violence, and murder that has occurred in the cities and communities they supposedly represent and serve?

John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States

It’s clear the party of FDR and JFK has changed. It used to be liberal. With liberals, conservatives can find at least some common ground. Now it is leftist, and leftists are solidly closed to the the notion of finding any common ground with conservatives. If the Democrats won’t vote for America and American ideals, how can they legitimately expect Americans to vote for them?

The Republicans aren’t perfect — not by a long shot. But they’re not trying to destroy America. The Democrats are (also go here).

Please remember that when you vote.


Copyright © 2020 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

image credit: Amy Coney Barrett











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