guest post by Patrick Wyett
originally published by The Shining Light Ministries
Don’t believe a thing you’re hearing or seeing from the network and cable news stations regarding the presidential election. Dismiss totally what liberal newspapers are printing and social media fact-wreckers posing as checkers are saying. You’ve been lied to, you’re being lied to and will continue to be lied to by these entities in what amounts to an overwhelming psychological operations campaign. Their goal is to confuse, fatigue and discourage you into accepting that Joe Biden has defeated President Trump. He hasn’t. Biden has won nothing. The false claims of a Biden victory amidst a backdrop of numerous instances of voter fraud, is to be expected. I and several others have been warning about this eventuality for months. Now it’s here.

There’s no other purpose for mail-in voting, Election Day voter registration and absentee balloting (with the exception of those serving our nation overseas) than vote fraud. When voting regulations require you show up physically at the polls on Election Day with valid identification and signature verification, the instances of fraudulent votes being cast is greatly reduced. There’s no discrimination towards anyone when rules apply equally to everyone. Our only concern should be to make the elections fair and accurate. If such requirements are too much of an inconvenience for someone to vote, then don’t vote. It’s as simple as that. The sanctity of an election trumps nonsensical claims of possible voter disenfranchisement. That said, where was the Republican opposition to election theft when Democrats were pushing through fraud-friendly voting options?
“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”
— Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address —
The mainstream media is the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. Remember the Russian collusion that President Trump was supposedly involved in during the 2016 election? All baseless lies put forth for political effect. Now these same discredited “news” sources are declaring that there’s no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 elections and Biden has won. Allow me to set your mind at ease, media projections don’t decide election outcomes. The Electoral College does based on legitimate vote counts. They meet December 14, 2020. What happens between now and then determines the election. If fraud is allowed to stand, then your being able to vote becomes a meaningless exercise. This should concern you regardless of political affiliation.
Multiple federal lawsuits have been filed regarding “voting irregularities” (a nice legal wording for voter fraud) perpetrated in a number of states including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona. Examples of illegality in Democrat-ran cities and states are numerous. In Michigan a poll worker in Antrim County discovered a voting machine “glitch” that changed 6000 votes from President Trump to Biden. How many more as yet undiscovered “glitches” occurred elsewhere? In a number of states President Trump was leading comfortably the night of the election. With percentages of the total votes cast and counted getting into the eighties and nineties percent range, vote counting mysteriously stopped. Overnight hundreds of thousands of additional votes appeared, miraculously all for Biden. Wonder of wonders, many were discovered with no down-ballot voting, just votes for Biden.

Places like heavily democratic Milwaukee County in Wisconsin, coming in at 99% of precincts reporting and Trump in the lead statewide by five percentage points, overnight dropped their precincts reporting to 33% as more ballots were suddenly dumped into the system. Again, all for Biden to a tune of an overall five point seven percent shift statewide. President Trump received no votes, none, from this new influx of ballots. Biden allegedly won Wisconsin by point seven of one percent margin, or twenty thousand votes. In Philadelphia, Republican poll watchers and election challengers were either barred from entry into the vote-counting center or those admitted were prohibited from observing the ballots being tabulated. Both of these instances are blatant violations of election laws. When the matter was brought before the court, a judge ordered the Republicans be given their lawful access. The Democrat sheriff refused to enforce the judicial decision. Instead, windows were covered so nobody outside could observe what was happening as to vote tabulations. Even some Democrats decried the blatant fraud taking place.
This is a Coup against The President of The United States of America.
— Brian McCaffrey, registered democrat observer in Philadelphia —
Brian McCaffrey, posted November 5, 2020
President Trump’s substantial lead in Pennsylvania became a deficit. Go figure.
Most states require mail-in ballots to be postdated by Election Day. There are sworn statements of people observing undated and therefore illegal ballots being postmarked after the fact. In Philadelphia, democrat-controlled for 60 years, there’s a long history of professional level, systemic vote fraud. But why stop there when you have a complicit democrat governor and majority state Supreme Court. The Pennsylvania legislature set the election laws for 2020, as is their sole authority per the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 4:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.
Obviously presidential elections and all others are part of the same ballot. Pennsylvania law stated all ballots would have to have been received by the close of polls on November 3rd. The democrat majority on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unconstitutionally stepped in and allowed for ballots to be received up to three days after the election. The court has no authority and zero jurisdiction to violate the US Constitution, but they did with the governor’s approval and the legislatures’ capitulation.

The burden of proof for a ballot having been legally cast resides with the election authority. If they can’t prove by proscribed lawful standards that a specific ballot is legal to be counted, then it isn’t. When ballots in contested states are forcibly extracted from sole democratic possession via federal court orders and examined, a drastic reordering of vote tallies will occur. If you think the temper tantrums on the left were a spectacle in 2016, wait until the dementia-addled, criminally corrupt traitor and his full-on communist running mate lose to President Trump in 2020. Especially after they’ve been media assured that Biden won. Civil war appears to be the outcome, one way or another. Prepare yourselves.
Those Who Cast The Votes Decide Nothing. Those Who Count the Votes, Decide Everything
— Josef Stalin, Communist Dictator —
The Democrat Party, the party of overt Marxism, has forcibly seized on this idea. They’ve purposefully planned and strategically executed a massive, multipronged election fraud to drive a lawfully-elected president from office. This goes far beyond a single election, it’s a direct attack on our form of government. Against us, we the people. There can be no conclusion other than the Democrat Party has become an organized criminal syndicate seeking the acquisition of total power by whatever means necessary. To them, like all committed socialists/communists, the ends justify the means. Concepts of morality or legality aren’t impediments. The irony is that up until now they’ve hidden their totalitarian aspirations under the cover of seeking “social justice”. Justice isn’t obtained through lying, cheating, stealing, or violating election laws. Tyranny is.

The Democrat Party and its street-level insurrectionists, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, must be held accountable for their treasonous actions. In the aftermath of discovery gleaned from investigative actions, all responsible conspirators must be arrested and appropriately charged with sedition, treason, insurrection, and any other applicable crimes. That most certainly includes involved elected officials.
Democrats and their institutions have declared war on America.
If you’ve been praying, keep doing so. If not, now would be a good time to start. I’ll forewarn you though, God will not intervene to save a nation just so it can continue on the wicked path it’s treading. Abortion, adultery, fornication, pornography, homosexuality, promotion of false religions and the myriad of other anti-God sins this nation’s committing engender His wrath, not mercy. We’ve brought this situation on ourselves through our national rebellion against Him.
Democrats and their institutions have declared war on America.
Proverbs 14:34, which tells us that “Righteousness exalted a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people,” was not written in vain. A national repentance is called for. Certainly a reordering of our personal priorities. This nation may or may not survive in the temporal moment. Ultimately it will not, ultimately neither will you. What then? Have you accepted and believed that Jesus Christ came to Earth to die for your sins, to take your place for the wrath of God that you deserve? If you have, dedicate or rededicate your life to Him. If not, a far worse fate than a Biden presidency awaits you.
When our nation’s founders besought God’s providence and intervention, they prayed diligently and unceasingly. Realize though, like our founders did, that there will come a time when you finish praying to get off your knees and take action. That’s history and that’s reality. What are you willing to risk for God and country to see your prayers answered?
Some are saying we just need to accept the media lies and move on. That’s a cowardly and unprincipled thing to say. The only power media lies have over you is what you choose to allow. Again I’ll say it, Joe Biden has won nothing. Here’s a guy who had trouble drawing 50 people to his rallies, sometimes none, while people came by the tens of thousands to see President Trump. Do you really believe a record number of citizens voted for Biden when he got fewer votes than Hillary and Obama everywhere except in democrat-controlled, fraud-riddled Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta?
Many of your friends are confused, scared or depressed by the misinformation, disinformation and outright lies bombarding them. Encourage them, share this article.
Our cause is just. We will not go quietly into the night. May God see justice served and if needs be, we be His instruments. The time for further conversation with our enemies has concluded, their opinions are, at this point, irrelevant. They’ve declared war therefore no peaceful coexistence is possible.
No more compromise with evil.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
— Samuel Adams, US founder, patriot, Christian —
Patrick Wyett is a former oversees defense contractor, Christian researcher, speaker and writer whose articles have been published on multiple websites around the world. He has co-authored “Social Injustice” and is writing “Darkened Pulpits; The History and Hirelings of Social Justice” due out 2021. Patrick “No Compromise with Evil” Wyett also co-hosts both the “The Shining Light Podcast” and “In Defense of the Republic” on Worldview Weekend TV. Patrick’s writing topics include geo-politics, Christianity, prophecy, Islam, exposing apostasy and preserving the Gospel.
photo credit: Pennsylvania Capitol Building
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