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Facebook’s Worst Nightmare: The Tyrants of Facebook, Part 2

Links to all the articles in this series are available here.

Evidence grows every day that Facebook is run and staffed by bullies and tyrants. You may remember that FB rejected my request to boost a Word Foundations post that carried a 100-word paragraph against socialism. This item was, and still is, a concise account of a 400-year-old historical event. My paragraph said nothing about the present day, other than this: “History proves socialism leads to bondage and misery, and that free enterprise promotes freedom and prosperity.”

See for yourself.

Facebook Once More Shows Its True Colors

My request of FB was one small part of a larger effort. This October and November, I am engaged in an important project. Using my blog, Word Foundations, as well as other avenues available to me, I am endeavoring to spread the word about the Pilgrims’ failed, 2-year experiment in socialism. With that goal in mind, some friends of mine and I teamed up to produce an audio version of “Ditching Socialism in the New World: A Lesson for 21st-Century Americans,” a Word Foundations post. This article is a paraphrased presentation William Bradford’s own account of the Pilgrims’ horrific venture into and finally out of socialism. Had the Pilgrims not abandoned what later would become known as a Marxist approach to economics, work, and community life, they would have starved.

“The Landing of the Pilgrims” (1877) by Henry A. Bacon

Keenly aware that FB had rejected two of my previous requests to boost posts about the same subject (go here and here for details), I was not optimistic that request to boost a post about the availability of the audiobook would survive. Here’s the post:

Here is the page to which the link in the post takes a reader who clicks on it. Micah Sample does an stellar job of reading the article. For your convenience, you can download the mp3 file here.

You can download the audio version of “Ditching Socialism in the New World: A Lesson for 21st-Century Americans” here.

But back to my story. Although not optimistic, I decided to submit the post for boosting anyway. I made the request on the same day I published the original item — Wednesday, November 10. It started to run! To my surprise, I even got a notice that it was running.

In the larger graphic below, you can see that through the initial boost, 392 people were reached, and 25 engagements were generated. Obviously there was someone who saw it and didn’t like it. He or she responded with a laughter emoji. Yet even this was an indication I was on the right track. Opposition doesn’t come to those who aren’t.

With regard to the 392 FB users who who were reached and the 25 engagements, I can guarantee you that these numbers did not arise from my merely placing the post on my Word Foundations FB page! No, the post actually was boosted for a short while.

But then my boost-request was rejected, even after I’d been notified the item was running! I learned this on Saturday, November 13, through another notice from FB. Here is the information as it appeared on my list of notifications.

Here is the more detailed notice from my Word Foundations FB page. You can see the rejection notice in the image below.

Facebook’s Worst Nightmare

Of what, pray tell, is FB so afraid? A clear answer is emerging! Facebook is terrified that the truth about socialism and other leftist, Marxist ideas will get out. This possibility is Facebook’s worst nightmare! It’s quite apparent that Facebook, its leaders, and its personnel have bought into socialist propaganda and it are rushing to defend socialism at any cost!

Facebook is terrified that the truth about socialism and other leftist, Marxist ideas will get out.

But what is FB’s “defense” of its dearly-loved ideology? It is censorship! It is to straitjacket users who only want to use FB as the kind of platform it is supposed to be — a platform for free speech. FB’s response is shutting up and shutting down individuals who disagree with socialism and other leftist ideas. Actually, it isn’t a surprise that these lovers of socialism would suppress free speech. That’s what socialists do!

I say again that despite the fact that FB is not the government, it and other Big Tech social media bullies are violating citizens’ constitutional rights! This has to stop!

If it doesn’t, then free speech in America no longer will exist. And that means liberty will have vanished as well. Be forewarned! We are at the edge of the cliff right now!

Go here to learn more about the background of this egregious violation of First Amendment rights and what needs to happen to correct it.

The next post in this series of articles is available here. Links to all the articles in this series are available here.


Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.












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