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Looking Ahead: Leftists, Including Leftist Evangelicals, Are Attempting to Gaslight Conservatives

A preview of the next Word Foundations post, which will be released within a few days.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which an abuser attempts to blame another for various “problems.” The innocent party initially is relying on what he, she, or they see, hear, and know to be true, but the psychological tactics of the abuser cause the innocent party to question those facts, and even in some cases his or her own sanity.

Fact-checking is a modern example of gaslighting. In our upcoming article we’ll explore others, and we’ll “connect the dots” between the term and our most recent post.

Meanwhile, learn more from the above video. Also, if you have time, watch the 1940 version of the movie Gaslight.

Text copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.





















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