My post at Word Foundations on August 19, 2021 explored “Nine Biblical Principles that Expose the Social Justice Movement and Marxism as Contrary to Authentic Christianity.” A little over a week later — on August 27, 2021 — I released a good bit of the same material in the form of an interactive Bible study. Here is my post from August 27, 2021 announcing the availability of the Bible study.
Last week’s post was titled “Nine Biblical Principles that Expose the Social Justice Movement and Marxism as Contrary to Authentic Christianity.” In it, I offered ideas that I strongly believed could be used in a Bible study setting to inform, encourage, and challenge believers.

I’m even more convinced of this now. I have further developed what I presented in last week’s post and now offer it on Discover Bedrock Truth, Word Foundation’s sister site that carries numerous Bible studies, all of which currently are free to use.
Access “Nine Biblical Principles that Expose the Social Justice Movement and Marxism as Contrary to Authentic Christianity: A Bible Study” here.
Not surprisingly, this particular particular study is titled, “Nine Biblical Principles that Expose the Social Justice Movement and Marxism as Contrary to Authentic Christianity: A Bible Study.” While it is true that there is some overlap between last week’s article and the material I’m now making available, what I am presenting now is more fully developed and carries additional suggestions and ideas.
Please use this material in personal and group settings to equip yourself and others against false teachings so prevalent in our day.
—B. Nathaniel Sullivan
Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.
top image credit: Image by Deborah Hudson from Pixabay
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