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The Protestant Reformation—Then and Now

Igniting Reform—Then and Now
10/27/17—article 137
The 500th anniversary of what is considered to be the beginning of the Protestant Reformation is a great time to reflect on the spiritual journey of one of the Reformation’s principal leaders, Martin Luther. Luther’s quest is instructive for us all! The same keys that unlocked his spiritual prison and set him free are available to us today! We don’t have to be imprisoned, either—and that’s very good news!

95 Theses for the Protestant Evangelical Church in the 21st Century
10/31/17—article 138
Disturbed by menacing trends in the American evangelical church and inspired by Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, I offer my list of 95 Theses for the Protestant Evangelical Church in the 21st Century.

Echoes of the Reformation
11/3/17—article 139
We need people in America today who, like Martin Luther, are willing to say, “My conscience in held captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant. Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise.” We do have Christians today who are doing this, but not enough of them. Find out who these courageous believers are, and resolve to support them and join them!

Painting a Clear Picture of God: Lessons from the Protestant Reformation
11/10/17—article 140
Does fear of God have any value? Absolutely! While Christians need to make sure they have and present a biblical view of God, they also need to be aware that the that picture includes an emphasis on God’s holiness, justice, and wrath. It is only against the backdrop of a clear understanding of these divine attributes that we can fully understand and appreciate God’s love and grace! If he could tell us, Martin Luther himself would testify that this is true!

Beyond Conversion: Taking Salvation Seriously
11/17/17—article 141
What does it mean to work out one’s own salvation with fear and trembling? (See Phil. 2:12.) This post explores this important quest on which every believer is commanded to embark.


Copyright © 2017 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image: the room in Wartburg, Germany, where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German