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Can’t We at Least Give Those Who Disagree with the Politically Correct Narrative Their Day in Court?

No one is responsible under liberalism.
David Horowitz

Key points: America is slipping into tyranny. The failure of the courts to examine evidence of criminal activity is one manifestation of this, and efforts to silence those who dissent from the prevailing narrative is another. Tyrants must never be appeased if freedom is to be preserved. Speak up!

In a national dispute involving possible violations of the law, there are several ways those on one side of the issue at hand might feel that their concerns are not getting fair consideration, or even a fair hearing. Suppose, for example, that the case in question were scheduled to be heard in court, and when the court date arrived, the lawyer for your party said, “I decline to represent these people, because I agree with the opposing side. Rather than presenting their case, I have decided to ask the judge to side with my clients’ opponents.”

While an attorney wouldn’t use these exact words to frame his betrayal of his clients, they aptly describe what happened in a plethora of state cases in the years and months leading up to the Supreme Court’s ruling on June 26, 2015 in Obergefell v. Hodges. This decision changed the definition of marriage nationwide to include same-sex couples. The abandonment of state attorneys general occurred at the urging of Eric Holder, who was Attorney General at the time. Recall that Barak Obama was president and Joe Biden vice-president.

Folks, these events happened in America, whose constitution states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Think about it. Just what would happen if you were sued in court and you hired an attorney who agreed to take your case, but on the day of the hearing your lawyer sided with the one suing you and encouraged the judge to rule in that person’s favor? This is essentially what

happened to the people of Virginia last week [in February of 2014]. It’s part of a trend that should trouble people regardless of their position on certain “hot-button” issues.

On February 13, a federal district court judge in Norfolk struck down Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage. Judge Arrenda Wright Allen ruled that the voter-approved amendment to the Virginia constitution violated the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. [This is the same clause we cited above, the one that the attorney general of Virginia, Mark Herring, was violating by refusing to represent the people of his state.]

Allen wrote that “Government interests in perpetuating traditions, shielding state matters from federal interference, and favoring one model of parenting over others must yield to this country’s cherished protections that ensure the exercise of the private choices of the individual citizen regarding love and family.”


Mark Herring

Mark Herring, by the way, had just won his race for attorney general, but only narrowly; he was elected in 2013 by a razor-thin difference of 907 votes — 0.04% of all the votes cast.

Keep in mind the people of Virginia passed under due process the marriage protection amendment that Judge Allen overturned. Laws were followed, and the amendment was legally adopted. On November 7, 2006, 999,687 (42%) voted against it, and 1,328,537 (a decisive 57.06%) voted for it. Whatever happened to government of, by, and for the people, a truly revolutionary idea?

The final words of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, displayed at the Lincoln Memorial

Whatever happened to government of, by, and for the people?

We find ourselves asking this same question today, in 2021, after a stolen election. Even if you don’t believe the election was stolen, millions do; and, reminiscent of the weeks and months leading up to the Obergefell ruling, it appears that extremely few in authority are respecting the concerns of those who believe Joe Biden’s “election” was illegitimate. You do not have to agree that the election was stolen to listen to and evaluate evidence! Can we not at least agree that both sides of issues like marriage and elections ought to be heard? I’m not a lawyer, but it is impossible for me to escape the conclusion that it isn’t just the election that was rigged; so has been the judicial system. It carries absolutely no weight with me that cases have been found to be “without merit” or have been dismissed on other “procedural grounds.” Just as the marriage concerns of the citizens of Virginia and various other states were rejected by attorneys general who had a responsibility to defend them, so too are the concerns of Americans about election integrity now being ignored by judges and justices in our judicial system. Yet all of them have sworn and have obligations to uphold the Constitution and the law. Is it any wonder law-abiding citizens feel betrayed?

Just as the marriage concerns of the citizens of Virginia and various other states were rejected by attorneys who had a responsibility to defend them, so too are the concerns of Americans about election integrity now being ignored by judges and justices in our judicial system. Yet all of them have sworn and have obligations to uphold the Constitution and the law.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Again, despite the importance of a person’s right to vote and to have his or her vote counted fairly, courts have refused to even consider evidence! The result is that we’re left to wonder if the government that was designed to make the citizens the boss of its leaders, if the government that was crafted to make its leaders work for the people and not vice versa, even exists anymore. What recourse do those whose concerns have not even been heard now have?

Now, we must never give up trying to preserve what remains of that nation, or trying to recover what we’ve lost of it. But we must not kid ourselves. We have entered a new era. What happened in the courts to ramrod same-sex marriage down the throats of the American people was only the beginning! Understand this about elections: Whoever controls elections controls a country. If that country ever belonged to the people, it belongs to them no longer. America did belong to its people for many years, so this loss represents a fundamental change and a decisive lurch toward totalitarian rule.

Whoever controls elections controls a country. If that country ever belonged to the people, it belongs to them no longer.

Just days ago, we heard yet another verse of the song leftists have now been singing for months — and it was six of the nine justices of the US Supreme Court who were singing it. On Monday, February 22, the court, in a 6-to-3 vote, turned down the opportunity to consider two Pennsylvania election fraud cases. Four votes were needed for the court to consider them. Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissented. Here is a Fox News report on the warning Justice Thomas issued in his dissent.

While Justice Thomas is perhaps correct in saying that the specific type of alleged voter fraud in the cases the court rejected — apparently relating to mail-in-ballots — would not have overturned the 2020 election, it still is a matter of concern to millions of citizens that all the different types of voter fraud combined in the 2020 election did, in fact, give Joe Biden an illegitimate victory. That being said, Justice Thomas’s objections to the court’s refusal to hear the case remain valid.

One wonders what this Court waits for. We failed to settle this dispute before the election, and thus provide clear rules. Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us. I respect- fully dissent.
—Justice Clarence Thomas, dissenting—

Associate Justice Samuel Alito

Justice Alito, who was joined by Justice Gorsuch, wrote,

In the cases now before us, a statute enacted by the Pennsylvania Legislature unequivocally requires that mailed ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day.…Nevertheless, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, citing a provision of the State Constitution mandating that elections “be free and equal,”…altered that deadline and ordered that mailed ballots be counted if received up to three days after the election,…Both the state Republican and Democratic parties urged us to grant review and decide this question before the 2020 election.…But the Court, by an evenly divided vote, refused to do so.…That unfortunate decision virtually ensured that this important question could not be decided before the election.…

Now, the election is over, and there is no reason for refusing to decide the important question that these cases pose. “The provisions of the Federal Constitution conferring on state legislatures, not state courts, the authority to make rules governing federal elections would be meaningless if a state court could override the rules adopted by the legislature simply by claiming that a state constitutional provi- sion gave the courts the authority to make whatever rules it thought appropriate for the conduct of a fair election.” Ante, at 3; see also Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Bd., 531 U. S. 70, 76 (2000) (per curiam). A decision in these cases would not have any implications regarding the 2020 election.…But a decision would provide invaluable guidance for future elections.

Democrats Read the “Tea Leaves” and Make Their Move

Please do not miss the news given at the conclusion of the Fox News report we showcased above. The very day that the Supreme Court turned down the case, we learn that

Thomas’s dissent comes as all House Democrats signed on to a new election reform bill today known as the For the People Act. Democrats say it would create national automatic registration, expand early voting, and simplify voting by mail. Republicans argue it would undermine election integrity. The bill is set to be looked a in early March.

Be assured of this: When leftists steal elections and then lie about having done so, and when no one charged with holding them accountable even looks at any evidence they committed crimes, they grow bolder and increasingly confident about doing the same thing again. Moreover, they will become more skilled at hiding any inappropriate or unlawful activity.

When leftists steal elections and then lie about having done so, and when no one charged with holding them accountable even looks at any evidence they committed crimes, they grow bolder and increasingly confident about doing the same thing again. Moreover, they will become more skilled at hiding any inappropriate or unlawful activity.

Were the so-called “For the People” act to pass, how many people who don’t really care about voting would be added to the voter registration rolls? It would be a massive number, because automatic voter registration, we can assume, would register everyone who is of voting age. How many more people, then, would be added to voter registration rolls who don’t give a rat’s rear end who gets elected, but who would be more than willing, or even anxious, to be paid to vote a particular way? How do you spell F-R-A-U-D? One way is B-R-I-B-E-R-Y.

With automatic voter registration, how many more people would be added to voter registration rolls who don’t give a rat’s rear end who gets elected, but who would be more than willing, or even anxious, to be paid to vote a particular way?

Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

Everyone eligible to vote in America is free to do so; he or she need only take the time and make the effort to register and vote. Voting shouldn’t be difficult, but it is reasonable that every voter should make at least some small effort. This helps to ensure election integrity. So does limiting voting by mail to voters who really need it, such as homebound citizens. Absentee voting has been around for a long time, and it is not problematic. Mail-in voting is, and “simplifying” it, you can be certain, will still leave it open to even more fraud. Early voting also is problematic and subject to abuse and fraud.

We need to tighten the process, not loosen it. Here are numerous reforms that need to be enacted. I can pretty much guarantee you none of these provisions are included in the Democrats’ For the People Act. It is no shock that now that the Democrats control Congress and the White House, they are moving to make cheating even easier. And the judicial system hasn’t given them anything to worry about!

Lin Wood

Lin Wood, an attorney who is fighting election fraud and is being vilified (and may even be punished) for doing so, posted this on his Telegram account on Tuesday, February 23:

I hear all the talk of potential candidates for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

The same principle applies to those future elections as I urged with respect to the 2020 GA Senate runoff. Until we fix the theft of the November 3, 2020 election, we can have NO assurances regarding the integrity of any future election.

We cannot ignore the past and move forward into the future “hoping” election fraud will not recur. The enemy did it once (or more) and thinks he got away with it. The enemy will do it again. Or the enemy will save the time and expense of conducting another fraudulent election and simply tell us who will lead us.

But let’s assume that we have a 2022 election and fraud evidence surfaces again. If the State Bar of GA is successful in revoking my law license for being involved in filing lawsuits challenging the 2020 election, what lawyer is going to risk his or her livelihood and reputation to legally challenge the 2022 election? The answer is obvious. None or at best, only a very few brave souls.

The GA State Bar fight is presently focused on me. But it is actually aimed at every lawyer in the country. And at every citizen who might wish in the future to hire a lawyer of his or her choice to legally challenge a deprivation of voting rights or an unlawful election.

We must not lose focus by only looking ahead and not taking all available actions to fix the November 3, 2020 election.

We must not lose focus by only looking ahead and not taking all available actions to fix the November 3, 2020 election.
—Attorney Lin Wood—

And we must not forget for one second that today the enemy is coming after me. Sooner as opposed to later, the enemy will be coming after you.

The time to take a stand is now. Do not let November 3, 2020 go quietly in the night.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Please take Lin Wood’s final admonition in this Telegram message to heart:

The time to take a stand is now.
Do not let November 3, 2020 go quietly in the night.

I offer this post as a means toward that very end. Please join me by doing what you can do.


Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan All rights reserved.

top photo credit: Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

photo credit: Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring

photo credit: Gettysburg Address

photo credit: Lin Wood














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