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The Disney Company Jettisons Reality, Alienates Parents, and Relegates Itself to Fantasyland

Disney’s “Dream” Is Becoming America’s Nightmare

The state of Florida is governed according to the interests of the people, not according to the political posturing of corporate executives in California. We will never allow corporate influence to repeal the substantive rights of parents in our state.
Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida—

Minnie Mouse is one of the most popular characters at Disney World. But inside that costume is one of the Magic Kingdom’s more bizarre secrets. At the new Disney, Minnie Mouse is often a man.…[This frequently occurring scenario] is part of the gay subculture that is today blossoming at Disney. It seems that some gay male employees at Disney World enjoy playing the feminine mouse, flirting with and comically embarrassing male guests.
—Peter Schweizer, in 19981

Photo by Adrián Valverde on Unsplash

Key point: Disney no longer is a family-friendly company. In fact, it has become an enemy of the family and of innocent children. Christian parents and Christian leaders must decide if they will ignore the stated evil intentions of Disney or act to protect innocent children from those who would entice them to sin.

This article is part of a series of articles, available here.

The Walt Disney Company has positioned itself against its core customers — the very people who have made it a top company since its inception. Here’s what’s happened. Investigative journalist Christopher Rufo appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight earlier this week. This video was posted on You Tube on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

This article showcases additional findings by Rufo. In light of all he uncovered, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins asks a reasonable question: “How can Christian parents, knowing this clearly stated agenda, allow their children to be exposed to Disney’s immoral, anti-biblical agenda?”

How can Christian parents, knowing this clearly stated agenda, allow their children to be exposed to Disney’s immoral, anti-biblical agenda?
—Tony Perkins—

Ron DeSantis

A Facebook friend of mine who posted Perkins’s tweet also pointed out that the hatred expressed for Perkins in response to his statement. My friend also challenged Christians to stand for what is right regardless of cost. Despite the vocal leftists on Twitter, I believe Tucker Carlson is right: Americans overwhelmingly support the bill Governor DeSantis signed into law. Thankfully, DeSantis apparently is standing firm and even is exploring ways to rein Disney in. Go here to read a Fox News article titled “DeSantis broaches repeal of Disney World’s special self-governing status in Florida.” We can be grateful for leaders like Governor DeSantis! We need more like him!

Outright, Obvious Lies Gain Traction Because They’re Fueled by Other Counterfeits

The positions Disney has taken are especially dangerous to innocent children. Listen carefully to Vivian Ware, the manager in charge of Disney’s diversity and inclusion efforts, in the following video.

Here’s what we need to understand about these kinds of efforts and others like them. These campaigns are not about compassion. They’re not about being sensitive to kids with gender dysphoria. Actually, if the leftists at Disney had their way, the number of kids experiencing gender dysphoria would increase. This is the effect of their encouraging young children to question what sex they are, to question whether or not they might really be a member of the opposite sex trapped in a body that doesn’t “fit” them or align with their “real” selves.

This position and these actions are irresponsible and egregious on a colossal scale. Parents and everyone else genuinely concerned about the well being of young people and those who will come after them should avoid all things Disney.

Parents and everyone else genuinely concerned about the well being of young people and those who will come after them should avoid all things Disney.

Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

Once an individual or entity starts with a false premise, that which flows from it also is false or counterfeit. Moreover, you can be certain that the ideas supporting it also are totally false. The faulty premise here is that people don’t exist as men, women, boys, or girls, or that one’s sex is irrelevant to who he or she is. This, of course, is hogwash!

News flash! Biological sex is an inseparable part off who every individual is, without exception. This doesn’t mean that biological sex is a determinative factor in absolutely everything about every person, but that it is tied to and even woven into the fabric of every individual and every person’s identity. The fact that human beings have been made by God in His image means they possess creativity, preferences, inclinations, desires, insights, a free will, and preferences (to name a few of many human attributes and traits), but it it also means each one of them is either a male or female.

Being a human being necessarily means being either a male or a female.

Ignoring this reality or flat out denying it in the name of compassion for those with gender dysphoria indicates that the compassion cited isn’t genuine at all, but counterfeit. Isn’t it obvious that leftists at Disney are pushing a political agenda that runs counter to common sense?

Writing at, Larry O’Conner offers these insights:

The most telling part of this statement is: “We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney family, as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.” It’s notable that it tells all of us, parents and children alike, that Disney’s priority is to stand up for a specific interest group that it has chosen as the correct and exclusive beneficiaries of its attention and concern.

Also revealing is what is missing in this statement. There is no mention of children. No mention of the “rights and safety of children” who were once the focus of attention and concern for the stalwart, family-friendly company.

Demanding Uniformity and Being Exclusive in the Name of Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Just as the Disney Company’s “compassion” is fake, so, too, are the ideals of “diversity” and “inclusion” that are being upheld as goals with the promotion of the now-conspicuous agenda. You see, leftists want uniformity of thought and action, something diametrically opposed to diversity and inclusion.

Photo by Joel Sutherland on Unsplash

If they truly were interested in diversity, they would respect parents who simply do not want Disney or anyone else taking to or instructing their young children about sexuality or sexual orientation at all. Even Democrats support the bill Governor DeSantis signed — and that has leftist activists in a panic.

Here’s the militant homosexual activits’ every-way-in, no-way-out approach regarding homosexuality: If you’re straight, you certainly can become gay — you actually might already be gay and not realize it. And if you are gay and want to get help to leave homosexuality and to become a heterosexual, too bad for you; therapy — all therapy, even talk therapy — is dangerous and harmful. It’s so bad we’re outlawing it, making it impossible for you to get, even if you want it and you or your parents are willing to pay for it! These are some of the ways these predators trap innocent children in habits, thinking, and attitudes while seeking to block all avenues of escape.


Here are eleven insights that I would encourage readers to take away from this article. Some of these are self-evident; yet sadly, as it stands now, very few would be willing to state all of them. I hope they are helpful to you.

      1. Militant homosexual activists have to recruit children from natural, traditional families because they cannot reproduce. This is why they are so adamant about promoting homosexuality among young people, and why they insist on indoctrinating children at younger and younger ages.
      2. The nature of homosexuality compels the homosexual to be consumed with his or her sexuality. Here is a simple illustration. Consider a chocolate chip cookie. That cookie represents you, and each chip in it represents an aspect of your life. You might say that one of the chips stands for your career, another for one of your hobbies, another for your family life, and so on. You might assign your heterosexual perspective to another of the chips, but this idea probably wouldn’t even occur to you. On the other hand, a homosexual doesn’t consider his sexual interests and practices a single chip in the cookie, but the whole cookie. Typically, gays and lesbians cannot divorce their sexuality from anything else in their lives. This is one of the reasons homosexuality has traditionally and historically been considered a disorder.
      3. One hundred years ago, people viewed homosexuality as a behavior. (By the way, this is exactly the way Scripture sees it and treats it.) Fifty years ago, society viewed it as a condition. Our culture today sees it as an identity. This is partly why gays and lesbians have difficulty understanding Christians’ claim to “love the sinner but hate the sin.” A gay man believes, “If you hate homosexuality, you must hate me, because that’s who I am.” In other words, these insights help to explain why many homosexuals feel threatened by those who believe their behavior is sinful. Learn more here.
      4. Homosexuals are hypocritical in that all of them came into the world as a result of a heterosexual union, and quite likely most of them from a heterosexual union authorized by traditional marriage. Yet, in their minds, homosexual relationships have the same validity and virtue as do heterosexual ones.
      5. In our age of sexual confusion and lies, many people are deceived, and innocent children often are the victims of these lies and the liars that spread them. Christians and Christian leaders — pastors in particular — have a responsibility to act to protect innocent children from predators in whatever ways they can (see Matt. 18:1-7). For pastors, this includes finding ways for their churches to effectively educate and warn parents about people and entities who have openly stated they are on board with the militant gay agenda. This, of course, includes Disney, a company that is in a unique position to deceive and entice its customers.
      6. Ultimately, the choices that homosexuality involves are an affront to a holy God and His created order (see Rom. 1:18-32). Pastors who fail to issue appropriate warnings about it, whether through sermons or other avenues at their churches, are failing to act as the watchmen they have been called to be (see Ezek. 3:16-21; 33:1-20).
      7. Pastors must speak out regarding public policy issues and encourage their people to become involved (salt and light) in the public policy arena — not as a substitute for spreading the gospel, but to create and maintain a cultural environment in which the family, rights of conscience, and religious liberty can exist and even thrive. Evangelical leader and former pastor Jim Garlow encourages pastors along these lines in a two-part series of broadcasts that aired on Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk on July 15 and 16, 2021.
      8. Pastors are responsible before God, not just to lead their people and churches to help couples have better marriages or to help families function better as families, but also to uphold the institutions of marriage and the family as presented in Scripture. Here is a great place to start.
      9. Disney is the perfect vehicle for recruiting children to move toward sexual confusion and then toward homosexuality and/or other sexual behaviors that stand contrary to biblical, or traditional, moral values.
      10. In America, an opportunity has arrived that parents and all others who care about the well-being of members of future generations must seize. Disney has overplayed its hand. Will you allow it and other corporations who are bullying parents and families to get away with this kind of abuse and manipulation? More to the point, will you allow them to have access to your children? The decision is yours.
      11. Excellent alternatives to Disney are available! In important ways, these are even better than many of the items in the Disney vault.
      • Audio dramas abound that illustrate biblical values in true-to-life adventures. Audio dramas are especially powerful, I believe, because one’s imagination is the widest of all screens. Check out Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family Radio Theatre, Heirloom Audio Productions, and Lamplighter Theatre.
      • Lamplighter, the producer of Lamplighter Theatre, also publishes classic books for young people and adults. These books originally were released many, many years ago, when biblical values were affirmed in and even by Western culture. The stories are engaging, powerful, and timeless (just as are those presented in Lamplighter audio dramas). In a previous article, we highlighted the various ministries of Lamplighter, whose stated mission is “Building Christ-like Character…One Story at a Time.”
      • Vacation-worthy live attractions also are available. In Northern Kentucky, Answers in Genesis offers two attractions that affirm biblical principles and biblical history. Check out the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. And in Branson, Missouri and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Sight & Sound Theatres bring the Bible to life in live performances. Sight & Sound also offers a virtual option for those who can’t get to Branson or Lancaster.


Copyright © 2022 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture has been taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

top image credit: Photo by Younho Choo on Unsplash


1Peter Schweizer and Rochelle Schweizer, Disney: The Mouse Betrayed — Greed Corruption, and Children at Risk, (Washington, DC: Regency, 1998), 233.



















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