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Calling America Back to a Founding Principle

51mkpkzxvgl-_sx338_bo1204203200_In his monumental work How Should We Then Live?, Francis Schaeffer observed that one of the principles that came out of the Reformation is the truth “that 51 percent of the vote never becomes the final source of right and wrong in government because the absolutes of the Bible are available to judge a society.” America’s founders recognized this, but consider how far we’ve departed from it and the price we’ve paid for doing so. Schaeffer continued, “The ‘little man,’ the private citizen, can at any time stand up and, on the basis of biblical teaching, say that the majority is wrong.” Even though our society no longer recognizes this truth, we as Christians in America desperately need to rediscover it and call our nation back—winsomely and in love, yes, but also with authority and clarity. Will you be among those who are willing to take such a stand?

The ‘little man,’ the private citizen, can at any time stand up and, on the basis of biblical teaching, say that the majority is wrong.
—Francis A. Schaeffer—

Francis A. Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?, (Old Tappan, NJ: 1976), 110.

Copyright © 2014 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.