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About Word Foundations and Discover Bedrock Truth

Word Foundations

[Jesus said,] “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock” (Matt. 7:24-25, NKJV).

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps. 119:105, NKJV).

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth (Jesus, praying to His Father in John 17:17, NKJV).

Unfortunately, we live in a day in which most people are confused about truth and reality. That which cannot be changed is seen as malleable, and that which actually can be altered and changed is believed to be fixed. Trying to change the truth—especially as it relates to issues like sexuality, human life, and marriage—can only bring disastrous results. Moreover, the messages people get from the culture do not help them sort through the “weeds”; they actually confuse them further.

Against this backdrop, sad to say, many Christians are squeamish, or at least less than forthright, about what they believe. The situation reminds me of the following humorous exchange from the Jack Benny radio program airing October 18, 1953. The clip features Benny, voice talent Mel Blanc, and actress Veola Vonn.

Audio Player

I believe that God is the source of truth, and that He has revealed the truth

    • in nature;
    • in His Word, the Bible; and
    • in Jesus, His only Son.

This truth helps people find their way in an otherwise dark world. In John 8:32 Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

I became a Christian when I was ten years old through the influence of my parents and our church. Several years later, my family and I began attending another church that profoundly influenced my walk with God in that it helped me more fully understand what it means to follow Christ and live for Him on a daily basis. I went on to college and seminary and eventually served on the staffs of two different churches. In 1995, I became an editor for a major Christian publisher, where I edited Bible study materials for seventeen years, until 2012. Since then I have written and edited Bible study materials for several different Christian ministries.

In 2015, I began writing articles on cultural issues from a biblical perspective and posting them online, at Word Foundations ( A few years later I started a second website, Discover Bedrock Truth (, where I began posting original Bible studies. I have often said that at Discover Bedrock Truth, readers will find Bible studies about topics that churches should be talking about, but for whatever reasons, are not. Yet the Bible addresses these issues clearly and forthrightly.

In 2023, I published my first book, Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory: Events of 400 Years Ago That Provide Needed Insights for Americans Today. The book is available at

I strive to write articles that are relevant and insightful with regard to the culture and the biblical worldview. I have attracted several noteworthy endorsements since I started.

Here are some of the series available at Word Foundations.

  • Equipping Members of the Next Generation of Christians to Defend their Faith and to Embrace a Biblical Worldview Why are so many young Christians leaving the church and abandoning Christianity? They lack a realization that Christianity really is true and applicable to every area of life. The church can help younger believers understand these ideas by pointing them to the evidence for Christianity through apologetics, and by equipping them to live the Christian life in terms of a biblical worldview. This series explores these themes and seeks to help churches along these lines.
  • Myths that Led to the Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States This series explores 18 myths that helped pave the way for same-sex marriage in America.
  • America, Where Are You? How much as America unraveled morally and spiritually during the last 60 years? Three Supreme Court decisions, the first one occurring in the early 1960’s, clearly mark our country’s decline. The good news is that the church can call the nation back to God—but to do so, it will need to repent of her own sins and, in God’s power, lovingly declare the truth about His love, holiness, and righteous judgment of sin.
  • Principles of Liberty Leftists often use the same words conservatives use, but with very different meanings. People frequently are duped by their emotional and passionate rhetoric. Going back to the Declaration of Independence and unearthing the intent of the Founders is an important step in effectively refuting the claims of the left and upholding the torch of authentic freedom.
  • Behold the Irony! Leftist positions are so inconsistent they ought to collapse under their own weight. Until they do, we’re exposing them, this time by examining two cases in which Alliance Defending Freedom is directly involved. Behold the irony!
  • Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel If we as believers love the gospel, then we also will love, honor, and defend biblical marriage. Why? Because Marriage as God designed it—one man and one woman committed to each other for life—is all about the gospel.
  • Contending for the Recognition of Absolutes In a culture captivated by relativism’s teaching that everyone can create his own truth, this series points out the dangers of following this idea and the perils to which it inevitably leads.
  • In July of 2016, I completed a series of articles on America’s Distorted Perspective on Rights. The concluding article is a mini manifesto. I believe we live in a day when the church needs to regain a prophetic voice. While some of my posts aren’t Bible studies, many are. The post for July 8 serves as an epilogue to the series. It highlights several previous articles that pastors and Bible study leaders can use in their teaching and preaching ministries. I’ve subtitled this post “The Duty to Warn.” In 2019, I revised America’s Distorted Perspective on Rightsstreamlined it, and republished it as a 3-part series titled Return to the Founders’ Perspective on Rights.
  • In September of 2016, I completed a series titled The Importance of Getting History Right. It explores elements in the US Constitution of 1787 that progressives claim were racist. Dig deeper, and you’ll find that things frequently aren’t as they initially appear.
  • The High Cost of Denying the Obvious is yet another series I believe provides insights desperately needed in today’s politically correct culture. Because of relentless attacks on the courageous people who stand for causes such as life and man-woman marriage, there’s a high cost for affirming the obvious as well—but the cost of denying what is manifestly evident is far greater, and traditionalists understand this as do very few others.
  • Discernment Needed: A Challenge for the Church offers insights and constructive criticism for the 21st century church.
  • Clients’ Rights and Government Wrongs
    Against the backdrop of numerous successful efforts to ban therapy and counseling to address unwanted same-sex attraction in minors, California almost became the first state to ban such therapy for everyone. This series of articles explores how Christians should respond. While the most recent therapy-ban effort in California did not succeed, therapy-ban advocates will be back in full force. We need to be ready.

Visit Discover Bedrock Truth and explore all the interactive material available there — currently everything free of charge. Here is a page showcasing endorsements for the Bible study website.

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B. Nathaniel Sullivan

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top image: Albert Bierstadt, The Rocky Mountains, Landers Peak

second image: also by John Frederick Kensett, Trout Fisherman, 1852

An abbreviated version of this article is available here.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture has been taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.