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An excerpt from “If the Democrats Win, Say Goodbye to Faith-Based Hospitals.”

The complete article is available here.

The Ominous Implications of a Democrat-Controlled Congress

We’re not just talking here, however, about Biden and Harris, but about House and Senate Democrats as well. They are are salivating over the possibility that they will be able to push their radical agenda on the American people, and they are determined not to let anything stand in their way, including, as we are seeing with the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Constitution.

Democrats also are preparing to dispose of the tradition of civil debate among lawmakers. A long-standing rule in the United States Senate is the rule regarding the filibuster. In most cases, in order for the Senate to actually vote on a bill, a vote has to be taken to end debate. When 60 or more Senators vote to cut off debate, then “cloture” has been invoked and the measure itself is put up for a vote. This process ensures that bills that actually are considered have “a greater consensus” in the upper house of Congress, and, as a result, in Congress as a whole.

The sad reality is that Democrats don’t care what you think! Eying the possibility of being the majority party in the Senate, Democrats are planning to do away with the filibuster. Tony Perkins recently explained what this would mean. His words constitute an urgent warning for all voters.

Since the Senate filibuster is the only thing standing in the way of passing a radical progressive agenda, Democrat leaders have apparently set up a “war-room” to eliminate this procedural hurdle if they retake control of the chamber. This coalition, working under the name Fix Our Senate, is made up of former Senate Democrat staff, liberal policy groups, and even Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), who is working inside the Senate to convince his colleagues of the benefits of removing the filibuster. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is facing increasing pressure to push a progressive agenda if his party takes back control of the Senate, said, “We have a moral imperative to the people of America to get a whole lot done if we get the majority, which God willing we will, and keep it in the House, and Biden becomes president, and nothing is off the table. We will do what it takes to get this done.” If the laws that have governed our country for centuries are so easily ignored by mayors and rioters destroying cities across America, then a longstanding Senate precedent will stand no match against the politicians that support them.

The cordial and deliberate nature of the Senate, with its rules protecting against dramatic policy changes, could all be gone as soon as next year. The ability for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Republicans to stop a potential Biden administration from passing the Equality Act or the Green New Deal would essentially be gone if Democrats take back the Senate and vote to remove the filibuster. This plan being devised by Democrat strategists to radically shape our country is unlike anything we have ever seen before. At stake in this election is not just the difference of a few executive actions or policy preferences but rather the difference between a country in which all human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives or one that seeks to destroy innocent life, undermine families, and is hostile towards religion.

Thus, I can tell you with great assurance that if the Democrats win, the loss of faith-based hospitals will be only one of a countless number of ominous consequences. Another will be that Schumer, Pelosi, & Company will increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court so the leftist perspective consistently prevails. Don’t let these things happen!

At stake in this election is not just the difference of a few executive actions or policy preferences but rather the difference between a country in which all human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives or one that seeks to destroy innocent life, undermine families, and is hostile towards religion.
—Tony Perkins—

Copyright © 2020d by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.