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An Excerpt from “Lessons from College Park, Part 2”

The complete article is available here.

Evidence continues to mount that CFA has been infiltrated by the left (also go here and here). Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield writes that anyone “paying attention to Chick-fil-A’s corporate structure” wouldn’t have been surprised at its announcement.

The donations were coming out of the Chick-fil-A Foundation. The Executive Director of the CFA Foundation is Rodney D. Bullard, a former White House fellow and Assistant US Attorney. Some may have mistaken him for a conservative because he was a fellow in the Bush Administration, but he was an Obama donor, and, more recently, had donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign while at Chick-fil-A.

Like many corporations, Chick-fil-A branded its charitable giving as a form of social responsibility. Bullard became its Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility.1 Unlike charity, corporate social responsibility is a leftist endeavor to transform corporations into the political arms of radical causes. Like other formerly conservative corporations, Chick-fil-A had made the fundamental error of adopting the language and the infrastructure of its leftist peers. And that made what happened entirely inevitable.

Significantly, Covenant House, one of the organizations that now will benefit from CFA’s charitable giving decision, has hosted a drag queen story hour in New York and is “affirming” of LGBT youth. And remarkably, in 2017, the CFA Foundation donated $2,500 to the Southern Poverty Law Center! Even though CFA has offered an explanation for the donation, the fact that it was made in the first place points to leftist influences within the company.


1Go here to read information from the Chick-fil-A Foundations’s website about Rodney D. Bullard.

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