Eight Reasons Obergefell Has Derailed America The Importance of Rediscovering the Authentic American Way [F]or avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy…the only ground of hope must…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America into Tyranny, Part 7
Eight Reasons Obergefell Has Derailed America The Importance of Rediscovering the Authentic American Way [F]or avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy…the only ground of hope must…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America into Tyranny, Part 6
How the Government Is Bulldozing Over Conscience Rights to Secure All the “Rights” Associated with Same-Sex Marriage Our Constitution—like the Declaration of Independence before it—was…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America into Tyranny, Part 5
How True Rights and Genuine Liberty Are Becoming Casualties of the Supreme Court’s Redefinition of Marriage Marriage as existing solely between one man and one…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America Into Tyranny, Part 4
Negative and Positive Rights Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty. —Thomas Jefferson— If you love wealth more than…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America into Tyranny, Part 3
From Liberty to an Entitlement Mentality: The Deadly Enticement of Government Help Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. —George Bernard Shaw—…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America into Tyranny, Part 2
The Revolutionary War Was Over, but not the Struggle to Establish a Free and Stable Country For the first time in human experience, the legislative…
Misinformed and Misled: How a Distorted Perspective of Rights Is Leading America into Tyranny, Part 1
A History Lesson from the Golden Age of Radio We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are…
Congress Should Express Outrage Over the Obama Administration’s Bullying to Promote a Radical Agenda
As North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory recently has stated, the fight over privacy rights no longer is confined to North Carolina. Recent developments in the Tar Heel…
The Urgent Call to Prayer—and Repentance
We are a people and nation in imminent danger. We mock God, ridicule His Word and His ways, and flaunt gross immorality. —Franklin Graham1— Seek…
America’s Real Problem
If any human society—large or small, simple or complex, based upon the most rudimentary hunting and fishing, or on the whole elaborate interchange of manufactured…