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Author: B. Nathaniel Sullivan

North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis would not have been elected but for moral concerns, yet he is betraying his constituents who hold them!

The vote in North Carolina to preserve the natural definition of marriage took place a mere ten years ago, in 2012. When the people of…

Seeing All that Is At Stake in America, the American Church Can’t Afford to Play it Safe — Christians and Christian Leaders Must Stand Up and Speak Up

Everything that is related to the gospel is worth risking your life for. We need to get off the middle of the fence! —C. Mark…

Why the So-Called “Respect for Marriage Act” Would Spell Disaster for the Family, and Why Republicans Must Defeat it

Note: This article showcases a less-than-six-minute audio clip a from an April 4, 2022 Cross Politic Studios podcast featuring attorney Jeff Shafer, currently director of…