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Rosemead School of Psychology and its Position on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE)

On this page, Biola University answers frequently asked questions. The last question offered is this one:

Does Rosemead support reparative/conversion therapy? Here is the answer provided.

Rosemead School of Psychology [at Biola] does not condone, endorse, teach, or recommend reparative/conversion therapy for same-sex oriented individuals. This has been a position in force for many years and is consistent not only among our faculty, but also among the Biola Counseling Center staff.

We recognize that it is commonly assumed that faith-based psychology programs endorse sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE). However, Rosemead’s position is based on the fact that there is no adequate scientific evidence that SOCE are effective in changing a person’s same-sex attraction. Further, SOCE can be experienced as harmful and damaging to individuals who are often already in vulnerable and marginalized positions within their families and communities.

The faculty at Rosemead School of Psychology take seriously our mission of producing graduates who can integrate both the science and practice of psychology with Christian theology, and who are prepared to meet the psychological needs of the world in general, and the Christian community specifically, through professional service and scholarship. As part of our psychological and Christian mandate, we feel it is important to seek to promote accuracy and truthfulness in the science, teaching and practice of psychology.