High Sounding, Emotional Rhetoric that Lacks Sufficient Biblical Grounding My concern with the term “social justice” is this: It muddies the true meaning of justice…
The Hypocrisy of the Left, Part 2
High Sounding, Emotional Rhetoric that Lacks Sufficient Biblical Grounding My concern with the term “social justice” is this: It muddies the true meaning of justice…
The Dangers of Being Thrown off Course: Beware of Revoice!
Our identity is in Christ. It’s not in our libido. We should be following our Lord, not our sexual drive, in terms of our definition of what it means to be a human being.
—Everett Piper—
Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality
—Revoice Conference—
Note: We will continue our series on “Equipping Members of the Next Generation of Christians to Defend Their Faith and to Embrace a Biblical Worldview” next time. The timing and urgency of another matter temporarily have pulled me away from that project.
Key point: Even though the Revoice Conference presents itself as compassionate, friendly, helpful, benign, and loving, it is pulling people and the church away from biblical truth and charting a very perilous course.
This week I write about an urgent matter, the Revoice Conference being held at the Memorial Presbyterian Church
in St. Louis, Missouri
95 Theses for the Protestant Evangelical Church in the 21st Century
October 31, 2017 is the 500th anniversary of an action that sparked a movement that changed the world. On All Saint’s Eve in 1517, Augustinian monk Martin Luther nailed his 95…
Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel, Part 10
Just Like the Natural World, Man-Woman Marriage Has God’s Fingerprints All Over It! Marriage is common. It does not appear profound.…Marriage does not astound us.…
Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel, Part 9
What God Said About Humanity and Marriage at Creation Is True for All Time If you believe in what it says in Genesis 1 about…
Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel, Part 8
Man-Woman Marriage Arose Naturally out of the Creation of Humanity as Male and Female From God creating us male and female and ordering marriage toward…
Twelve Qualities that Should Characterize the Church’s Case for Natural Marriage
These qualities originally were named in parts 4, 5, and 6 of the series titled “Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to…
Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel, Part 6
We have an absolute duty to start training our children in biblical worldview when they are just beyond the toddler years. They’ve got to start…
Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel, Part 5
If the church doesn’t speak now, it may be forced to forever hold its peace. The foundation upon which society is constructed—the central unit linking…
Upholding God-Ordained Marriage Is One of the Greatest Ways to Advance the Gospel, Part 4
If marriage is allowed to die, future generations likely will inherit a godless culture. We simply must have an answer in defense of biblical marriage…