It is hard for you to kick against the goads.
—Jesus, in confronting Saul, who later would become the apostle Paul—
We live in a crazy, mixed-up world, one in which people are denying reality at every turn. Here’s a recent example. It comes from a Washington Post story titled,
A trans woman undressed in a spa. Customers said they were ‘traumatized,’ and a protest ensued.
Look at the title of this article. John Stonestreet of BreakPoint emphasized the significance of the Post’s putting the word traumatized in quotes rather than the word woman. He wrote,
The fact that the Washington Post put the word “traumatized” in scare quotes instead of the word “woman” tells you everything you need to know about the article, the Washington Post, and our cultural moment.

Note this as well. The title tells us that Customers were “traumatized.” Who were these “customers”? They are women—women who were born and who identify as female, in accord with their own bodies.
I want to share one brief quote from the article. This is a snapshot of how insane our culture has become.
Women-only spaces should be protected, said Zac Boyer, manager of programs and outreach for the central Ohio-based LGBTQ organization Stonewall Columbus, but that doesn’t mean all women have the same genitals.
Danger! Danger!
I have a warning for everyone who’s permitting himself or herself to be sucked in by this kind of rhetoric, and especially for everyone else who thinks they can’t oppose it because opposing it is too costly. The cost of not standing up against it will be much greater! Think about the women! When a real right to privacy for women is at stake, as it is in this case, leftists are all too willing to violate it.
Reality is like a brick wall, and opposing it is like banging one’s head repeatedly against it.
Here’s the warning: Reality is like a brick wall, and opposing it is like banging one’s head repeatedly against it. Reality (like the reality of who’s male and who”s female) has way of winning every battle against everyone who challenges it and pretends it isn’t true. This is especially the case when an individual or group pretends the opposite is true. The more significant the reality is, the greater will be the cost when it wins. Make no mistake. Reality will win, and not because it is mean.
It simply is. And it will yield for no one.
Be on the winning side! Speak up! It may cost you in the short-term, but in the end, you’ll be vindicated.
I’m sure of it.
Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.
top image credit: Photo by Lachlan on Unsplash