Obergefell v. Hodges: Eliminating Freedom in the Name of Upholding It
The principles that gave rise to our free nation have been forgotten in modern America. We need to rediscover them and embrace them once again. Without them, we cannot remain a free and prosperous nation.
The Supreme Court…Isn’t: Part 2 of 2 Parts
Just what does the Supreme Court’s marriage decision represent in terms of America’s relationship to God? The answer is scary, but one that we need to understand and face if we are to work effectively to restore natural marriage.
Ten Ways Same-Sex Marriage Denies Reality
The Illegitimate Supports of Obergefell—Pillar Number 1: A Faulty Worldview, Part 2
Here are Ten Ways Secularism, through same-sex marriage, is denying life in the real world. The consequences for pretending that things aren’t what they are can be very severe, so we as Christians must sound the alarm!