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The Real Reason Society Is Unraveling

And How Upholding Man-Woman Marriage Under the Ninth Amendment Can Help It Regain Stability

Part 1 ~ Unmasking the Oppressive Nature and the Perils of Radical Autonomy

Part 2 ~ How Obergefell, the Supreme Court Decision that Forced All Fifty States to Recognize Same-Sex Marriage, Changed Everything

Part 3 ~ Defying God’s Authority and Nature’s Clear Teaching: The Aftermath of Obergefell ~ This post is offered was a stand-alone article here.

Part 4 ~ The Way Back to Genuine Liberty ~ In this article, David Fowler, President of the Family Action Council of Tennessee, Suggests Five Steps Toward Recovering Authentic Liberty, Limited Government, and Sanity in the United States.



Copyright © 2022 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image credit: Photo by Marc A. Sporys on Unsplash