God expects those who have a voice to speak out for those who do not—who most of all tend to be the poorest among us. So if we as Christians see Marxist policies being proposed and enacted—which we certainly know may crush the poor into the dust for generations—shall we be silent lest someone accuse us of being political, or worse, “a member of the Religious Right”? Is that all it takes for the forces of evil to crush the poor in our time? If I know that Critical Race Theory will divide our nation horribly and will destroy the fabric of society, am I to keep silent because someone will cynically call me a racist for raising my concerns? To remain silent because some will call us names and criticize us is simply to be cowardly, and constitutes a simple failure to trust God.

And what if standing with the disenfranchised and the poor also means standing with those who are lower-class whites? Will we step aside from doing so because this is unfashionable in some circles, or because someone might cynically call us “white supremacists”? Will we refrain from standing up for people of color who don’t toe the line of those who claim to represent them? We must once and forever stop pretending that speaking the truth on any of these issues means leaving the “Gospel” for politics and “culture warring.” We must declare what we know to be true. And part of what we must declare is that the secular leftists in America—and leftists in the church too—have become radically political and are cynically pretending that those who disagree with them are the ones being political. All truth is truth, and we are responsible to stand up and do what we can. What are we afraid of? If God be for us, who can be against us? Does that scripture no longer mean what it once did? If we believe God demands we speak the truth as we see it for His purposes, how have we so easily let ourselves be turned into silence?
Eric Metaxas, Letter to the American Church, (Washington, DC: Salem Books, 2022), 13-14.