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Rigged: My Latest Run-Ins With Facebook

There’s no doubt in my mind Facebook is planning to put me in FB jail. I’m already restricted. They’ve apparently been looking for reasons to do restrict me further, even though they already had their own. They don’t like my opinions and convictions.


Posted January 13, 2022 at 2:13 PM


On January 14, FB notified me that I had posted an item that violated their community standards. Here is the series of dialogue boxes, starting with FB’s initial notification. Note the information under “image 2.”

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Remember, the date I got this notification was January 14, 2022


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Note the date of the post to which they are objecting — February 22, 2021. That’s 326 days between the time of the post and the notification of a violation. Just a month shy of one year!


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It is obvious that the powers-that-be at FB believe the activities of Trump supporters on January 6, 2021 were akin to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Only, they weren’t. Yet, even if they think Trump supporters acted egregiously (some did, but they didn’t perform acts of terrorism, and the overwhelming majority did nothing wrong), can we not even have a debate about it? Apparently not on FB — even if some on one side simply want to sincerely and lawfully object to what they believe was a stolen presidential election.


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Note that I’m told, “We use your feedback to make improvements on future decisions.” As you will see, however, they didn’t give me an opportunity to give any feedback. I just simply got the chance to agree or disagree with the decision.


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I disagreed with the decision, but I was given no opportunity to complain that 326 days had passed since the post and the notification that the post violated community standards. 326 days! It’s quite obvious what’s going on here. They’re going to uphold their decision. And all the evidence says that FB went on a “fishing expedition” to find a violation.


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Facebook is a joke.


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What feedback, Facebook? You didn’t give me a chance to give you any!


Also see: The Tyrants of Facebook











This compilation and my comments copyright © 2022 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.