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Practical Christianity

Lessons for 21st-Century Christians from 17th-Century Pilgrims

Background article:
Beyond Conversion: Taking Salvation Seriously 11/17/17—article 141
What does it mean to work out one’s own salvation with fear and trembling? (See Phil. 2:12.) This post explores this important quest on which every believer is commanded to embark.

Practical Christianity: A Holy Nation
The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Believers Who Worked Out Their Salvation with Fear and Trembling, Part 1

11/23/17—Thanksgiving Day
What does it mean for a congregation to work out its salvation with fear and trembling? Using the very beginning of the Pilgrims’ spiritual journey as a guide, this post explores this important quest, one on which every church is challenged to embark.

Practical Christianity: Strangers and Pilgrims on this Earth
The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Believers Who Worked Out Their Salvation with Fear and Trembling, Part 2

The Pilgrims began their journey in the small town of Scrooby in Nottinghamshire, England. Seeking religious freedom, they moved to Holland and lived there for more than a decade. While in Holland they found the freedom they sought, but certain other concerns compelled them to risk everything to make the transatlantic journey to North America. Just what were the Pilgrims thinking? You’ll be both inspired and challenged by the answer. The Pilgrim legacy benefits us yet today, and we need to follow the example of these believers to pass along a godly heritage to future generations. In this post, you’ll meet one extraordinary family who is doing just that!


Copyright © 2017 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image: These stepping stones illustrate the attitude of the Pilgrims with regard to taking the gospel to remote regions of the earth. William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony, wrote of himself and his party,

[T]hey cherished a great hope and inward zeal of laying good foundations, or at least of making some way towards it, for the propagation and advance of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in the remote parts of the world, even though they should be but stepping stones to others in the performance of so great a work.1


1William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, Harold Padget, ed., (Kindle Locations 593-595). Portcullis Books. Kindle Edition. Original print release, 1920; Kindle edition, 2016.