An Essential Step in Preserving Authentic Liberty and Natural Marriage in the United States
This series is based on an eight-part series of articles initially published in 2016 titled “Misinformed and Misled: An Eight-Part Series on America’s Distorted Perspective on Rights.”
Return to the Founders’ Perspective on Rights, Part 1—A critical step in restoring and preserving ordered liberty and avoiding chaos in America will be understanding and returning to America’s Founders’ perspective on rights. Oh, how far we have departed from the ideal they upheld!
Return to the Founders’ Perspective on Rights, Part 2—Only God-given, unalienable rights are compatible with liberty and authentic freedom.

Return to the Founders’ Perspective on Rights, Part 3—No decision in the history of the Supreme Court of the United States violates the principles of freedom and liberty upheld by America’s Founders as does the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. Same-sex “marriage” isn’t just about the private affairs of those who petitioned the Court to establish it. It is about everything else, as well. Obergefell v. Hodges is moving this country from liberty to tyranny as is nothing else. To counter, we must rediscover natural marriage as God-given and unalienable, and we must uphold it as such. Will you join me in a movement to do these very things? The hour is late, but truth is on our side.
Copyright © 2019 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.