At the last minute, on August 31, 2018, California Assemblyman Evan Low pulled AB 2943 from consideration in this year’s legislative session. Had it become law, this bill would have made it illegal to counsel or provide therapy for anyone wanting help to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction, in every instance where money was involved, such as counseling fees and the sale of books.
In the introductory post we explore the threat of similar legislation against the backdrop of legislative bans against pro-heterosexual therapy for minors. The post is titled “A New Low? A Look at Bans on Pro-Heterosexual Therapy and the Threats They Pose to Religious Liberty and Client Autonomy.”
Parts 1–5 of this series explore five ways Christians and other concerned citizens should respond in the coming months, as therapy-ban-supporters will be back.
Part 1: Be gracious, but also wary, informed, and involved.
Part 2: Expect similar proposals in the future.
Part 3: Don’t compromise!
Part 4: Acknowledge that some therapy and counseling Is beneficial, and support it. Affirm the rights of clients to get whatever therapy, treatment, or counseling they want. Don’t buy “conversion therapy” rhetoric and propaganda.
Part 5: Stop misrepresenting what the Bible teaches about homosexuality—and stop being taken in by misrepresentations.
What You Need to Know About So-Called “Conversion Therapy” and Efforts to Ban It
Copyright © 2018 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.
top image credit: California Family Council, used by permission