A Discussion Guide [T]he face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many for which they blessed God. —William Bradford, Governor…
Why the Pilgrims Were Especially Thankful in 1623
A Discussion Guide [T]he face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many for which they blessed God. —William Bradford, Governor…
Introducing Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory
Heed the Pilgrims contrasts the historical events the Plymouth settlers experienced from 1620-1623 to the prevailing cultural narrative about them and refutes the modern narrative’s…
Twelve Bible Passages that Destroy Socialism and Uphold Free Enterprise, Part 4
Work, Freedom, Rights, and Ethical Boundaries: Essential Elements of a Fair and Just Free Market The Bible contains many endorsements of free enterprise, including verses…
Twelve Bible Passages that Destroy Socialism and Uphold Free Enterprise, Part 3
God’s Design Fosters Responsibility, Freedom, and Fulfillment Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit. —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn— A people…who are…
Twelve Bible Passages that Destroy Socialism and Uphold Free Enterprise, Part 2
Who Has the Responsibility of Meeting the People’s Needs? Countrymen, the long experience of our late miseries, I hope is sufficient to persuade everyone to…
Twelve Bible Passages that Destroy Socialism and Uphold Free Enterprise, Part 1
Having ownership and control over tangible assets Is an expression of what it means to be human. Moreover, property rights also are essential to economic…
Here Are Some Things You Might Never Have Heard About Christopher Columbus
It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) to sail to the Indies. All who heard of…
The Goal Marxists Are Working Feverishly to Achieve: Uprooting America from Her Foundation, Part 1
To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare…
Leftists, Including Leftist Evangelicals, Are Attempting to Gaslight Conservatives
Gregory, are you trying to tell me I am insane? —Paula Anton, Ingrid Bergman’s character in Gaslight, 1944— Key points: Leftists are notorious gaslighters. They do…
Why the Pilgrims Were Especially Thankful in 1623: A Discussion Guide
[T]he face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many for which they blessed God. —William Bradford, Governor of the Plymouth…