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Who are these “experts” recommending mask mandates, and why? What is really going on? Gary Humble of Recall Williamson connects the dots.

On Monday, July 20, 2020, I posted this in Facebook:

Folks, YOU ARE GOING TO WANT TO WATCH EVERY SECOND OF THIS VIDEO. In Williamson County in Middle Tennessee, parents are fighting a mask mandate that will be imposed on students unless it is stopped. Gary Humble of Recall Williamson, a parents’ group fighting the mandate, has connected the dots and discovered that the “medical experts” are carrying water for the Democrats. The implications are clear. It’s all about electing Democrats and defeating Donald Trump. Watch to Gary’s video before it gets taken down.

The video was removed, but it was Gary Humble himself who removed it. Also, he posted a follow-up video. In a Recall Williamson Facebook post dated July 22, Mr. Humble explains,

STATEMENT from Gary regarding the videos being taken down:

Videos are back up!

Let me first say that the videos (at least up to this point) were not censored. I purposely took them down. As you can imagine, these are serious issues being discussed with consequences attached. I needed to respond to some questions and take time to deal with some personal issues that had arisen.

I also need to make a statement of clarity. I am willing to own the fact that I made a poor choice in words in how I phrased statements concerning Governor Bill Lee. And I recognize that I need to clear that up. In no way do I believe that the Governor has taken bribes, is being paid off, or has in any way acted maliciously in terms of taking advice from lobbyists or any other group.

My intent was simply to say and confirm that the group of “medical experts” we have heard so much about is indeed ProtectMyCare and these guys are well-funded and backed by the Democratic Party. In fact, I believe there is much more to the story than I have laid out in my video. They are the group lobbying our leaders (mayors, county mayors, and school boards) to issue mask mandates, issue stay-at-home orders, and shutting down our businesses and schools. As to what type of attention they have directly garnered from the Governor and as to whether or not his actions are directly related to their lobbying efforts, I cannot say. You would have to ask the Governor yourself.

I do not agree with how the Governor has handled this crisis in terms of emergency powers, executive orders, and so forth. But he is certainly not alone. In my opinion, most of our leaders around the country have blown it and by their actions have made the Constitution little more than tissue paper. That is my personal view.

I have laid out the facts concerning who these people are and where the money comes from. The rest is for you to decide.


Here is the follow-up video, which was released on Tuesday, July 21.

Go here to visit the Recall Williamson Facebook page.