Why is homosexuality inherently abusive? Why is it sinful? Here’s why: There is an opening in the human body that, were it to carry a sign, the sign would say, EXIT ONLY, DO NOT ENTER, or both. Homosexuality refuses to respect this natural bodily function and the body parts that make it properly work. Of course, homosexual activity is not limited to anal intercourse, but it includes it. If you are courageous and want to know more, go here.
Even without anal intercourse, homosexuality isn’t benign — not by a long shot. It still brings body parts and people together in ways and for purposes the Creator never intended. Mark it down. This general statement is true of lesbianism as well as male homosexuality.
In other words, every form of homosexual activity is abuse — abuse of the bodies God made and of His good design and purpose for 1) humanity in general as well as 2) individuals. No wonder homosexuals have greater health risks, including a lower life expectancy, than their heterosexual counterparts.
This page is part of a larger Word Foundations article.
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