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The Biblical Case for Opposing Tyranny

Parts 1 and 2

Meme posted on Facebook

Are religious exemptions for government mandates a biblical concept? What does tyranny look like, and what are the biblical grounds for opposing it? This series explores these questions.

Appreciation is expressed to Pastor Sam Jones of Faith Baptist Church in Hudson, Iowa, for presenting many of the ideas cited in this 2-part series when he preached to his congregation on September 26, 2021.

Part 1
Understanding the Legitimacy and Limits of Various Spheres of Authority

Part 2

    • Parts 1 and 2 appear together, on one page, here.
    • A PDF file of these articles (with limited citations and images) is available here.

top image credit: Briton Rivière / Daniel’s Answer to the King (1890)

Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.