If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
—George Washington—
Given the direction the winds are blowing, and assuming they stay the course, it’s certain that anyone publicly expressing the traditional definition of marriage and gender (be he pastor or laity) will eventually find his expressions banned, his livelihood threatened, and his safety uncertain.
—Joe Dallas, a former homosexual who helps people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction—
Key points: Restricting access to reading materials people want and for which they are willing to pay isn’t just denying them the right to listen to those to whom they want to listen; it’s also trampling on specific authors’ freedom of speech. This makes a complete mockery of the terms tolerance and diversity. While this is exactly what we have come to expect from the militant gay lobby and its allies, such behavior is unacceptable in a free society like America. Censorship must be opposed!
What group of individuals are the most discriminated against group in the world? You might be surprised. The answer is: former homosexuals. To those supporting LGBT ideology, individuals who have left homosexuality are a very real threat—not because of anything they might do to harm members of the gay community, but because of their very existence! Anyone who claims to be a former homosexual challenges the militant LGBT narratives that homosexuals are “born that way” and that change is impossible. Not all homosexuals share this perspective, but militant gay activists do. They
plead for tolerance but are among the most intolerant people in the world.…Perhaps nothing brings out greater vitriol from LGBT activists than an individual’s claim that he or she is ex-gay. Now, certainly homosexuals can have their own opinions about the validity of such a claim, but true tolerance respects those with whom one disagrees. Were gay activists really tolerant, they would respect the rights of others, even those who say they are ex-gays, to live as they see fit and to make their case in the marketplace of ideas. Instead, militant homosexual activists vilify ex-gays, discriminating against them with reckless abandon.
“Don’t Ignore Us! We are Here!”
Daren Mehl, a former homosexual himself, is president of Voice of the Voiceless, a ministry with a mission to

defend the rights of former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and their families. We also support the faith-based community and work actively in the United States to defend the constitutional rights of all Americans to share their views of homosexuality in the public forum. We support similar international efforts and provide assistance, whenever possible, to individuals and organizations abroad who align with our mission and goals.…
We have suffered enough abuse in the media who sing praises to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, and condemn former homosexuals and those who experience unwanted SSA.
Sadly, key activists in the LGBT community have been responsible for defamation, lies, and bigotry towards us. No matter how loving and respectful we are, our unwanted SSA and stories of sexual orientation change appear as a constant threat to them.
Educational and mental health organizations are one-sided clapping symphonies; they are strictly gay affirming and against the rights of those who seek change and the professionals who assist these men and women. They have surrendered to political correctness and ceased to be true arbiters of sound science. Objectivity has been lost, as activists have hijacked most institutions.
Enough is enough! No longer will we sit idly by. To that end, we are pleased to announce a new project to promote true tolerance, real diversity, and equality for all!…
We are forming an international coalition of former homosexuals, persons who experience unwanted SSA, and their families to fight against defamation and advance a positive image of the ex-gay community, their families, and the therapists and ministries who support them.
“Don’t Distort the Picture with Facts!”
It is against this backdrop that in one or more future posts, I plan to hone in on one of the most severe manifestations to date of intolerance and bigotry on the part of the militant gay community. Increasingly it is becoming glaringly obvious that the gay rights movement is a political and social force that continually throws its weight around to bully everyone, and society as a whole, into submission and even celebration of its own agenda.
Here’s the thing. Former homosexuals are out there, and they are real people! So are individuals experiencing same-sex attraction who wish desperately to overcome these desires and live as heterosexuals. These people are not deranged, or mentally ill, or psychotic. Their heterosexuality, or their desire to live as heterosexuals, is—without question—healthy. As much as militant gay activists would wish that we would not “distort the picture with facts,” facts do not lie. Moreover, the truth—reality—is our friend if we will accept it, embrace it, and align our lives with it. Yet we must be able to recognize the truth as genuinely true. This is something gay activists and their allies, including many large companies in corporate America, simply refuse to do.
Amazon’s Infringement of Individual Rights
Recently, Amazon, the online book retailer with a more-than-lopsided market share, began eliminating from its online “store”
- books on preventing homosexuality,
- books that help counselors assist clients in overcoming unwanted same-sex attraction, and
- books that help readers themselves understand their own experiences with same-sex attraction and that help them overcome it.
Here’s how social researcher Glenn Stanton put it.
Amazon—a progressive company that should be fundamentally dedicated to the value of the free trade of ideas—succumbed to a silly, poorly argued, emotion-laden Change.org petition by someone going by the name of Sky Gray. Gray was super upset that Amazon, the largest bookseller in the universe and beyond, was doing what it does: selling a vast array of books to anyone who wants them.

Amazon started the process by removing books by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, a professional counselor who helped many, many men overcome unwanted same-sex attraction. Dr. Nicolosi, who died in 2017, is still a model for counselors and therapists around the country. Even so, Amazon is censoring these and similar books, in part, in the name of banning “the harmful practice” of so-called “conversion therapy.” The term “conversion therapy” is extremely misleading, almost to the point of being an outright lie.
Don’t Be Deceived by Politically Correct, Emotional Rhetoric
Jim Katsoudas is a professional counselor practicing in North Carolina. He writes,
I am a Licensed Counselor and I do not know any Licensed Mental Care Professionals providing so called “Conversion Therapy.” The term “Conversion Therapy” is an old outdated method that does harm and Gay Activists would like Americans to think Professional Counselors are doing Conversion Therapy on clients, forcing them not be gay by using outdated, God-forsaken methods to force people to go from gay to straight.
However, most Licensed Mental Health Professionals would never use so called “Conversion Therapy” or any techniques considered harmful to assist a client with their unwanted Same Sex Attraction (SSA). Most counselors [and certainly all competent ones] use and apply time-tested, researched therapies that would help the client reach his or her desired goals. Of course, Gay Activists and their political allies would have you believe that counseling individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction is some form of medieval torture that causes great pain and harm to clients. This is so far from the truth.
Listen to Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Jr. also a professional therapist, talk about his dad’s books and Amazon’s tyrannical effort to ban them.
Stay Tuned!
There’s a great deal more to say about this important issue. Next time, we’ll continue our journey of learning and discovery. Tyranny must be opposed, yet to do that, the issue must be adequately understood.
In the meantime, it isn’t too early to sign a petition to push back against Amazon’s censorship and bigotry. You can do that here.
Please, don’t underestimate the difference your signature can make!
Copyright © 2019 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.
top image credit: Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash
[…] as a direct result of their commitment to Jesus Christ. They actually are the most discriminated-against minority in America. In ignoring them and instead turning for help to homosexuals who claim to have […]