The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
Keeping watch on the evil and the good.
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life,
But perverseness in it breaks the spirit.
—Proverbs 15:2-4—
Key point: America must repent of the evil upon which it has been embarking for some time or face God’s severe judgment. The choice belongs, not solely to America’s leaders, but primarily to Americans themselves — you and me.
Note: This article is lengthy, and the “punch line” is at the end. Whatever you do, do not miss the video from my friend Daren Mehl, or the 15-minute audio summary of Daren’s video that I created. These resources appear at the end of this article, but I’m also linking to the video here and the downloadable MP3 file here.
Hearings for President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, concluded on Thursday, March 24. Judge Jackson testified during the second and third days of the hearings, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 22 and 23. On Monday, “introductory statements” were made, and on Thursday, “outside witnesses” testified.

Carol Swain is a former tenured professor, having served on the faculties of both Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. At Vanderbilt she taught political science and law. She also is a distinguished senior fellow for Constitutional Studies with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Dr. Swain opposes the confirmation of Judge Jackson. In an op-ed appearing in the Washington Times on Wednesday, Swain wrote,
Judge Jackson is the wrong nominee for a nation divided by race and plagued by crime and lawlessness. Her public stances on critical race theory and her sympathy for criminal defendants, including child sex offenders, comes at a time when bail reform and efforts to defund police departments have helped fuel rising crime rates.…

This appointment of a political activist occurs when deeply polarizing issues are before the court, including cases on affirmative action, abortion, immigration and gun rights. This rushed process surrounding her confirmation is taking place when Americans are distracted by the Ukraine-Russia War and the hardships caused by rising inflation and gas prices. Politicizing the Supreme Court nomination process does not serve the court well or the American people.
Principled senators from both political parties need to reject this nominee and not allow themselves to be bullied or charmed into making a bad decision for our nation.
On Tuesday, the second day of the hearings, Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee had some pointed questions for Judge Jackson. You can watch their exchanges in the video below, but first listen to a very telling portion of the question-and-answer session in the 3-minute, 40-second audio clip. Judge Jackson’s response to one particular question in it truly is remarkable. The audio clip represents the portion of the video that runs from about 15:57 to 19:24.
While I applaud Senator Blackburn for questioning Judge Jackson as she did, I hope the senator was listening carefully to her own words as she challenged the judge regarding the differences between the sexes. In 2021 on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Blackburn voted in support of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which at the time included a provision that would have required women to register for the military draft, something that never has been done in the United States since it became a nation. While this provision looked very much like it would become law, the requirement was removed from the bill shortly before it passed.
A PDF file of this letter is available here.
Let’s return now to the important matter of Judge Jackson’s refusing to define the word woman. Here is the exchange.
Blackburn: Can you provide a definition for the word woman?
Jackson: Can I provide a definition? No. I can’t.
Blackburn: You can’t?
Jackson: Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.
Blackburn: So you believe the meaning of the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can’t give me a definition?
Tellingly, Judge Jackson never did attempt to define woman. Take note! In God’s created order the meaning of this word is self-evident. As we soon will explore, to fail to recognize what a woman is, or to pretend one does not recognize what this word means, is to buy into a lie that effectively defies God as Creator.
Against the backdrop of God’s created order, the meaning of the term woman is self-evident. To pretend one doesn’t know what a woman is is essentially to defy God as Creator. It’s that serious.
Judge Jackson claims she cannot define the term. If she doesn’t know what a woman is, she never should have accepted the nomination Joe Biden made for her to serve on the Supreme Court in the first place. Recall that President Biden vowed to nominate a black woman to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, despite Biden’s track record of opposing the nomination of Clarence Thomas, a black man, to the Court in 1991, and his working with fellow Democrats in 2003 to filibuster Janice Rogers Brown, a black woman, after President George W. Bush nominated her to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. If Judge Jackson doesn’t know what a woman is, then how could she possibly know she is a woman and meets at least part of Biden’s criteria? Moreover, isn’t it both racist and sexist for a president to say he will nominate a black woman? Such a commitment implies that black women are underqualified and need to be selected because of their sex and their color of thier skin.
President Biden, Your Marxist Ideology Is Showing!

There’s something else, as well. Such a commitment on President Biden’s part exposes his allegiance to Marxist ideals. A friend of mine, Daren Mehl (whom you will meet shortly) has seen diversity training from the inside of a billion dollar company — and he readily recognizes that Biden’s ploy (and others like it) are undergirded by Marxism, critical race theory, and their tenets. Daren sent me a statement, which I’ve edited slightly, making only a few (and minor) changes.
The reason he chose a “black woman” is because of the belief that black women are underrepresented in positions of power. Marxism contends that to right that wrong she should be placed in the Supreme Court, that doing so would help to correct that “injustice.” Marxists don’t believe she is underqualified at all, but rather very qualified, in part because of having been systemically oppressed because of the color of her skin and the “white privilege” that prevails in society, in Marxists’ minds, even to this very day. And so Biden can say from day one that the “just” thing to do is to find an oppressed minority and put her into the highest seat of judgement over the nation.
These beliefs, of course, are insulting to minorities. Further, they’re un-American and unconstitutional — and they completely ignore the progress America has made in race relations in recent decades. Orlando Patterson is a liberal black professor at Harvard University who, in 1991, wrote this about racism in America:
America…is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all those of Africa.
Daren continued writing, focusing on justice:
Justice is BLIND, but necessarily rooted in God’s character. No one, of any race, has a corner on justice. Justice belongs to the Lord.
Only the righteous can judge rightly. Someone who denies our Creator, who cannot define what is plainly evident, is not righteous, but wicked. And she is not able to judge. And so rather than justice being a terror to the wicked, the wicked are placing judges over us that will rule for the unrighteous and be a terror to righteousness!
God doesn’t need to judge us; we are judging ourselves by electing wicked people! God have mercy and may His name be known and His grace be given to the righteous to fight this!
Marxism says justice prevails only when the oppressed take power. This is why it always leads to chaos and injustice: it is inherently unjust. It pits people against one another. It always keeps them in the mindset of feeling victimized for being oppressed, or of feeling guilty for being oppressors. And as long as Satan can keep people fighting, he wins.
HOWEVER, if we are righteous and choose the truth of God as revealed in the Bible, we become righteous and Satan loses. Jesus is the truth. His grace will bring life to those who come to Him, to follow truth and real justice.
Our World Is Full of People Who Constantly Deny Reality
The “systemic oppression” in America, Marxists say, doesn’t just target women and people of color, but also lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered individuals (LGBT). Quite obviously, there is a clear and fundamental difference between innate characteristics such as skin color and sex and characteristics (like homosexuality and transgenderism) that are heavily influenced by personal choices in the moral realm. Like it or not, choices to engage in these kinds of sexual behaviors are sinful. Scripture is clear about God’s created order and that opposing it by redefining it or pretending it is something else exacts a heavy price. Nevertheless, America has traveled far down the road of affirming and even celebrating actions, choices, and fantasies that not all that long ago were rightly and widely considered depraved. How far has our nation traveled down this road? Far enough to censor, without penalty, those who dare to tell the nation and the world the truth about such choices.
Recently, Twitter banned both the Babylon Bee and the Christian Post for declaring through their Twitter feeds that Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, is a man. However, having been born male and later having identified as a woman, he is a man! (Go here and here.) Twitter isn’t a social media platform, but a censorship platform. If you express an opinion contrary to the leftist narrative, you get censored or suspended.
Keep in mind that even as Twitter was actively censoring truth-tellers on its network, USA Today was honoring Levine as one of its “Women of the Year.” Here’s another example. NBC was carrying an op-ed that claimed that Lia Thomas, the male swimmer who is identifying as a woman and competing against women in women’s swimming events, ought to be “celebrated.” Yet Thomas has done nothing noble.

The author of the piece is Cheryl Cooky, professor of American Studies and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies at Purdue University. (It isn’t surprising, is it, that the writer of the op-ed would be a professor of gender studies?) Cooky upholds Thomas as being comparable to Jackie Robinson, who is noted for being the first black athlete to break the color barrier. In 1947, Robinson became a player for the Brooklyn Dodgers; he was the Dodgers’ first baseman when he began his career in the Major Leagues. Anyone and everyone knows that no legitimate comparison exists between Thomas and Robinson. Dr. Michael Brown responded to Cheryl Cooky’s piece with an article of his own titled “4 Reasons Why Lia Thomas Is Not the New Jackie Robinson.”
The Real Danger of Not Being Able — or Willing — to Say What a Woman Is
Daren Mehl, whom I mentioned earlier, is involved in vocational ministry, and he had a great many important things to say about the danger and potential danger of confirming a nominee to serve on the Supreme Court who can’t — or won’t — say what a woman is. Friends, the implications are ominous. Daren created a video and recorded his insights.

At this, the conclusion of this article, and with Daren’s permission, I’m providing access to my friend’s video for you below. As a bonus, from Daren’s video I’ve created a 15-minute audio summary of my friend’s comments and have posted them as well.
Take 15 minutes and listen to Daren! His words are strong, but everyone needs to hear them. As I’ve indicated, the implications are ominous for our country. I agree with Daren that we need to decide whether or not we will be on God’s side or against him.
For your convenience, you can download the MP3 file of the 15-minute summary here. The video is available here.
Daren Mehl offers the “Dose of Hard Truth” that America desperately needs right now, the dose of truth to which the title of this article refers.
Hear and heed Daren’s words. They constitute the warning that our nation needs to hear in this critical hour!
Copyright © 2022 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.
A video about Judge Jackson’s nomination from the National Organization for Marriage.
top image credit: Lightstock
photo credit: Ketanji Brown Jackson
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