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We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals, Part 3

Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Ronald Reagan

Like an animal caught in a trap, trying to gnaw off its own leg, a woman who seeks abortion is trying to escape a desperate situation by an act of violence and self-loss. Abortion is not a sign that women are free, but a sign that they are desperate.
Frederica Mathews-Green

It’s said the religious right wants to force its faith on the public. But whose faith are we talking about?… Everyone who operates in the political arena wants to see their morals reflected in our laws and governmental institutions – including the National Organization of Women, the National Abortion Rights Action League, and the American Civil Liberties Union, whether or not they are willing to admit it.
Don Feder

Key point: Abortion kills children and exploits women. Because abortion is what it is, it cannot do otherwise.

You can access all of the articles in this series on this page.

Make no mistake. Militant abortion advocates are trying relentlessly to make opponents of abortion out to be extremists, even as they are the real extremists on this issue. While it may sound like a bold claim, I believe they don’t care about babies, mothers, or fathers; they just want to see more abortions.

Here’s an excellent recent example, but as with so many of these, we have to “read between the lines” to get to the truth. On the Wednesday, May 22 broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Mitch Landrieu, the Co-Chair of the Biden reelection campaign, said that President Biden “trusts the women of America” to make their own decisions “about their reproductive health” while “Donald Trump wants to return” the matter of abortion “to the states, which, by the way, is the same legal argument they used to let slavery hang around for a long period of time” (emphasis added).

Mitch Landrieu

Don’t fall for this deceptive rhetoric! Landrieu has turned the argument he cites concerning slavery on its head! There is a major difference between the argument made by advocates of institutional slavery (Democrats, by the way) to leave the issue of slavery “to the states” and the the one contemporary leftists (also Democrats) are saying Trump is making when he says the matter of abortion should be left to the states. The two are not alike.

Even if you believe in outlawing abortion altogether, with no exceptions, you should be able to see this major difference. Those supporting slavery wanted to leave the decision about the legality of slavery to individual states to prolong and even enshrine it permanently where they lived and held business interests. Trump believes states have the right, and should have the right, to restrict abortion if they wish. Joe Biden, Mitch Landrieu, and other radicals want to expand abortion widely and to impose it, without any restrictions except forcing taxpayers to pay for it, nationwide. The headline of the article we just cited when we quoted Mitch Landrieu states, in part, “BIDEN DOESN’T BELIEVE IN RESTRICTIONS.” The radical power-brokers themselves have financial and political interests in making abortion as widespread and as accessible as possible — regardless of who dies, is hurt, or is harmed. Thus, the pro-abortion position parallels the pro-slavery position, not the other way around. We should not be surprised by this. As we already have noted, just as the Democrat party was the pro-slavery party, so, too, is it the pro-abortion party today.

Other Parallels Between Slavery and Abortion

Though both are detestable, slavery and abortion are different in at least one major way. Slaves, even those who-were ill treated, typically were kept alive; but the goal of an abortion is a dead baby. After noting that major difference, we see a vast number of similarities stack up. Canadian anti-abortion activist Nathan Prindler listed some time ago no fewer than nine similarities between pro-slavery and pro-abortion arguments.

PDF files of Nathan Prindler’s November 20, 2019 tweet are available here and here.

Nathan Prindler
November 20, 2019

Nearly every pro-abortion argument mirrors pro-slavery arguments from the 19th century:

    • Argument from ownership; “this slave/baby is my property/body. You can’t tell me what to do with it.”
    • Argument from privacy; “No one is forcing you to have slaves/abortions, mind your own business.”
    • Argument from superseding rights; “My property/body rights come before the rights of a slave/fetus.”
    • Argument from inevitability; Slavery/abortion has been around for thousands of years and it’s never going away. We might as well have a safe and legal system in place for it.”
    • Argument from pseudoscience; “Slaves/fetuses aren’t really people; they aren’t like us; they’re physically different, therefore we can own/kill them.”
    • Argument from socioeconomics; “If slavery/abortion ends, most of these slaves/babies would wind up on the street without a job.”
    • Argument from the courts; “Slavery/abortion was vindicated by the Supreme Court. It’s already been decided. It’s settled law.”
    • Argument from faux-compassion; “Slavery/abortion is in the best interest of the Africans/babies. The world can be a cruel place, so it’s actually best for them for us to enslave/abort them.”
    • Argument from the assumed hypocrisy of the other side; “You say you want to end slavery/abortion but you don’t want to live with free blacks/adopt unwanted babies.”
Seth Dillon / Facebook

The Babylon Bee’s Seth Dillon rightly observed,

Being pro-abortion should be as politically toxic as being pro-slavery. It should be impossible to get elected taking that barbaric position. If it isn’t, then we’re failing in the fight for the culture.

Put another way, the problem isn’t that we’re “too pro-life.” It’s that our culture is passionately pro-death. The culture — not our conviction that all human life is sacred — must change.

How can it change? It can and must change through the legislative process, but this cannot be the only arena in which we make our case. We also must use clear and reasonable arguments win hearts and minds to our cause, even as we uphold both God’s love and God’s law. To do this, we must lovingly tell the truth — even when the truth is hard to convey and hard for our listeners to hear. Be aware that lovingly telling the truth means exposing “the fruitless deeds of darkness.” Acting in love, therefore, means that some, and perhaps many, will hate us for telling the truth.

Others, however, will appreciate our efforts, because the truth ultimately will liberate them. Our task includes capturing people’s imaginations to drive home the truth for them. The photo that helped bring an end to slavery in the United States, and the story behind it, are available here. A powerful animated, yet realistic, video that is promoting an end to abortion is available here.

The Myth That Is the Outright Lie That Abortion Is Safe for Women

Mitch Landrieu also said, “The President trusts women, [but] Donald Trump evidently trusts legislators and sheriff’s deputies more than they do women about their own reproductive health.” As we will soon see, this is an outright lie. It is the Democrats who do not trust women to make informed decisions about abortion. They and other leftists (including the legacy media) control the cultural narrative on abortion, and they are scared to death to allow the truth to get out about the effects of abortion on the women who have had them. They will withhold the truth about abortion from the public at all costs and promote the myth that “the procedure” is totally safe. Don’t miss the fact that Planned Parenthood widely peddles this myth.

Currently, the public appears to be uncomfortable with abortion, but also uncomfortable with imposing what it considers to be too many restrictions on it. In parts 1 and 2 of this series we endeavored to explain why people apparently are so torn. We said that God’s having made people in His image means, among other things, that they have an innate understanding that abortion is wrong because it clearly is the arbitrary taking of an innocent human life.


Yet despite this, numerous cultural and social factors cloud this intuitive understanding in many people’s minds. To a great extent, the emotional rhetoric of abortion activists has been quite effective in leading people, who (as we indicated) naturally tend to be uneasy with abortion anyway, to also feel uncomfortable with limiting it with restrictions they also feel (and I use the word feel deliberately here) might be too confining. Subjectivity reigns in these arbitrary judgments.1 The claims that “women have a ‘right’ to abortion,” and that restrictions impair their “reproductive freedom” and limit their right to “health care” have had a powerful effect. However, if abortion is health care, why does one person always wind up dead and the other wounded?

Wounded? Is the woman really wounded? Yes, she is wounded both emotionally and physically. Because of the prevailing politically correct narrative, information that would raise concerns in people’s minds about the procedure’s safety often is hard to come by. The truth is being withheld from the public!

Yet it still is available if you look in the right places. In this video produced by Liberty University (LU), LU Law Professor Rena M. Lindevaldsen explains some of the emotional and physical consequences abortive women typically face. Dr. Morse H. Tan introduces Dr. Lindevaldsen and interviews her. She highlights the impact of abortion on women as it relates to “mental health, substance abuse, [and in particular] risk of death, [and] breast cancer.” Watch and listen to her express her concerns.

We can be grateful that Dr. Lindevaldsen has shared even more information about abortion on at least two other episodes of “Liberty & Justice for All.” For your convenience, I’m embedding them below. Dr. Lindavaldsen discusses whether or not abortion is necessary for women (responding to an argument made the dissenting opinion in Dobbs by Justices Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor), and whether or not abortion drugs are safe. Each of the three episodes of “Liberty & Justice for All” showcased on this page was posted on You Tube on April 13, 2023.

The brief about which Dr. Lindevaldsen spoke is available here.

You can share all three of these episodes of “Liberty & Justice For All” easily by pointing people this page, where I’ve embedded all three.

Why is abortion not safe for the women who have them? In summary,

  • it interrupts and brings to an abrupt and unnatural end what otherwise would have been a natural biological process, one that would have resulted in a fully developed baby who is a separate individual distinct from his or her mother and who would have survived and even thrived outside of the womb.
  • Also, guilt often results. As we noted earlier, people — women and men alike — know intuitively that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life and therefore wrong. Despite all the lies she hears and repeats to herself, the abortive mother has lost a child to a death she herself helped bring about (unless, of course, the abortion was entirely forced upon her and she strongly resisted it). Men who have been involved in abortion also often experience guilt and regret (go here, here, and here).

Stay Tuned!

Why are we emphasizing so strongly the need expose the radical nature of the beliefs of militant abortion activists? The need is especially urgent now because in November, voters in more than a dozen states will vote on ballot initiatives relating to abortion. These states include FloridaMarylandNew YorkNebraskaMontanaArkansasColoradoArizonaNevadaMissouriSouth DakotaMaine, and Pennsylvania. [UPDATE: Ballot initiates on abortion will appear on ballots in ten states this November.] Beware! Pro-abortion forces aren’t interested in having rational, reasonable debates. They will try to use Dobbs as an opportunity to impose their pro-death policies on an ill-informed public. Be assured that “pro-death” is an appropriate description of what they’re advocating. We must be prepared to refute their claims.

To do so, we need to examine yet more evidence that the pro-abortion position is clearly, and even blatantly, evil. The evidence is abundant, and next time, we’ll further unmask the perspectives and goals of pro-abortion radicals.

The lies of the left truly are powerful, but the truth is even more effective when we present it clearly and with concern that is evident in our presentations, manner, and actions. As advocates of the right to life from conception to natural death, we must make sure we communicate, not only the truth, but also that we are advocates for the truth because we genuinely love our fellow human beings, both born and unborn, and therefore want the absolute best for them and for society at large.

Part 4 is coming soon!

You can access all of the articles in this series on this page.



Copyright © 2024 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture passages in this article have been taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

top image credit: “The Procedure,”


1This is a testament to the widespread acceptance of relativism as a belief system. Even in the church many people believe that every person is entitled to his or her own “truth.” This notion is contrary to reality. Not even the most self-proclaimed die-hard relativists consistently practice what they preach.







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