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The Anchor of an Accurate Understanding of History

All great men are imperfect, and we are wise to realize this; but if we fail to realize as well that imperfect men also can be great, we are utter fools.
— The key point summarizing the Word Foundations article, “What Is it that Really Angers Leftists About Robert E. Lee? Part 2,” published September 20, 2021—

For many decades throughout American history, Columbus Day was uncontroversial. Actually, it was celebrated. Why is it now vilified, along with the explorer after whom the day is named?

I want to answer this question shortly, but let’s first expose some of the lies the modern narrative is promoting about Christopher Columbus and America.

  • First, watch this PragerU video featuring Michael Knowles.
  • Then listen to the embedded eight-minute clip from this presentation by historian David Barton.

While these resources will cite a just a few of the inconsistencies between what actually happened and what we’re told about Columbus, they should whet your appetite to learn more, and to learn from accurate sources.

David Barton


Mark it down. The reason we are being bombarded with false historical narratives is because leftists are salivating to impose socialism in America. They know that they can more easily do this if they divide us as a people. Unfortunately, contemporary Americans are much less familiar with what really happened in their nation’s history than their forebears. They no longer have an accurate understanding of history to anchor them to the nation’s founding principles. It’s no accident that those principles are rooted in Christianity. The proponents of socialism in America, generally speaking, hate Christianity and the personal freedom it makes possible in public life.

In a previous Word Foundations article (one I’ve actually just cited) we listed “Nine Biblical Principles that Expose the Social Justice Movement and Marxism as Contrary to Authentic Christianity.” (A PDF file summarizing that article is available here.) The following slide showcases the ninth principle on the list, along with biblical passages upholding it. The next slide depicts an image of Karl Marx himself, with three statements he made indicating he would do everything he could to oppose the biblical tenet.

While Karl Marx was wrong about a lot of things, his statements about this principle demonstrate he viewed this teaching to be true. Still, he was no friend to anyone’s godly heritage or to an accurate view of history; rather, he resolved to distort history to manipulate both people and nations. Here’s what Marx said:

Of course, leftists’ targets aren’t limited to Christopher Columbus. As we noted in the article,

Everyone readily acknowledges that our Founding Fathers were not perfect, but can we not honor them for the heritage of liberty the bequeathed to us — one that, in the end, eliminated slavery and established civil rights for all? Even now America’s not perfect, but she has come a long way toward realizing her founding ideals of equal opportunity for all.

I challenge you, dear reader, to learn the truth about history and to allow a right historical perspective to anchor you to America’s founding principles.

With Thanksgiving coming soon, learning from the Pilgrims themselves (also go here) is a great place to start. You’re also encouraged to dive into the Bible studies at Discover Bedrock Truth.

Additional Word Foundations articles about Christopher Columbus:

Here Are Some Things You Might Never Have Heard About Christopher Columbus

Columbus Day: It’s Important to Have an Accurate Perspective of History

Additional Word Foundations articles and series of articles upholding an accurate view of history:

Misinformed and Misled: An Eight-Part Series on America’s Distorted Perspective on Rights

The Importance of Getting History Right: Uncovering the Truth About Racism at the Founding of America and Beyond

Principles of Liberty

King David a Rapist? Not so Fast!

Heed the Pilgrims! — The three articles in this series served as the basis for the 2023 book Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory

What Is it that Really Angers Leftists About Robert E. Lee?

Discover Liberty

Copyright © 2024 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image credit: The Inspiration of Christopher Columbus by José María Obregón, 1856

Disclaimer: Citations of one or more resources from a ministry does not constitute an endorsement of that ministry.









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