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Audio Clips from a Viral Video

In their video, Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi do at least five specific things. The total time for following six audio clips equals approximately eleven minutes.

First, they demonstrate how science and statistics tell us that in terms of the number of cases to the number of deaths, COVID-19 is similar to the flu. This doesn’t mean there aren’t “hot spots” where the number of cases is significantly higher than in other locations; the doctors acknowledge this. Nor does it mean that COVID-19 is not severe in some people. Even so, in most areas in the United States, statistical similarity to the flu (number of cases to number of deaths) is undeniable. This clip begins at nine minutes and eighteen seconds into the presentation. The presentation includes many more statistics than the ones Dr. Erickson cites here, but this one summarizes this point well.

Second, Dr. Erickson, who presented most of the information, also emphasized the severity of the problems resulting from the lockdown. The hit to the economy isn’t just something affecting communities, states, and the country as a whole; it also is affecting individuals and the relationships they have with others.

The secondary effects of COVID-19 include significant increases in child molestation, spousal abuse, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, and suicide. These are real consequences to the economic downturn for individuals who are stuck at home and unable to bring home a paycheck. The pressures they face do not excuse their behavior, but the reality is that these behaviors are increasing. Dr. Erickson states, “These things will affect people for a lifetime, not for [just] a season.” This clip begins at fifteen minutes, nineteen seconds in.

Third, it’s also true that the longer the lockdowns last, the more compromised people’s immune systems will become. How do people build up an effective immune systems? Not by staying home and sheltering in place! This clip begins at eighteen minutes, five seconds into the presentation.

Fourth, Dr. Erickson makes the point that we know more now than we did early on, and we need to make appropriate course changes in our response, based on the growing body of information we now have. This clip starts at four minutes, fifty-six seconds in.

This clip features Dr. Massihi and starts at twenty-two minutes, eight seconds in.

Fifth, Dr. Erickson gets very specific about the severe consequences of lockdowns and sheltering in place. He and Dr. Massihi strongly believe the costs of this approach are extremely steep for both individuals and society, and that any supposed “benefits” are elusive. This clip begins at thirty-six minutes, thirty-one seconds in.

All of the issues Drs. Erickson and Massihi address hit people right where they live—and people, by the millions, watched the doctors’ video.


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