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Unmasking a Plan to Destroy America as We Know It, Part 1

If we’re going to win this battle for the soul of our nation, Joe [Biden] can’t do it alone. Democrats must take back the Senate. We will stay united … and with our unity, we will bring bold and dramatic change to our country.
—Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, eying the possibility of a Democrat majority in the US Senate after the election—

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.
James Madison

Key point: In this election, Americans must vote to stave off tyranny. Nothing less than America as we’ve known it, with liberty, freedom, and opportunity for all, is at stake.

As this election season has unfolded, I have seen this statement on the pages of more than one of my Facebook friends:

Most Americans have no idea how close we are to losing our country.

I believe this is true. This is not an election after which our liberties will remain intact regardless of who wins the White House and Congress. If the Republicans win, Donald Trump and his allies will have been given an opportunity to hold back the damaging flood of socialism, progressivism, and yes, totalitarianism for a while longer. This may sound over the top, but I assure you, it is not. Please bear with me here. The Democrats are openly discussing their plans for transforming America. On Monday, October 12, Sean Hannity highlighted them. Here, in the audio clip below, is a portion of what he said. You can watch and hear the broader context of his comments here.

“It would be the biggest power grab in the history of the country.” — Sean Hannity

Joe wants to be the President of the United States of America. That would be the toughest job in the world, and at times, Joe doesn’t seem to remember that he’s even running for president, or what state he’s in, or what day of the week it is. Does anyone really believe that if elected that Joe Biden will actually be in control of anything?

Joe Biden, October 15, 2020

Which then brings up another scary thought — that would be his most radical vice-presidential running mate Kamala Harris. Now he knows his radical socialist base — they’re going to be the ones in charge. That’s Kamala Harris, that’s Bolshevik Bernie, that’s AOC — and by the way, they are saying what their stated plans are, are to fundamentally transform this country.

        • Court packing
        • Ending the legislative filibuster
        • What? Starting the process to ban the electoral college?
        • Adding DC, Puerto Rico as states. Oh, four more Democrats so you have a Democratic-run Senate in perpetuity. It would be the biggest power grab in the history of the country.
        • Then they want open borders. Why? They hope all the 11 to 15 million people that get amnesty, they’re hoping that they will vote Democrat.

According to Chuck Schumer — he said it — “Everything is on the table.”

A Fundamental Transformation

Hannity’s list of items the Democrats plan to implement may sound innocuous, but it is not. These changes would turn the America we have known, with its constitutional checks and balances, into a land where members of only one party with one perspective rules, and they will rule with an iron fist.

Should they win, the Democrats plan to implement changes that will turn the America we have known, with its constitutional checks and balances, into a land where members of only one party with one perspective rules, and they will rule with an iron fist.

Almost without exception, Democrats march lockstep together already, towing the leftist line. If you don’t believe this, consider that on June 25, 2020, not one single Democrat in the House of Representatives voted in support of a resolution condemning the violence that has overtaken numerous American cities in recent months. If Democrats really were representing their constituents, would they not have condemned the looting, violence, and murder that has occurred in the cities and communities they supposedly represent and serve?

January 20, 2017

Make no mistake, the Democrats still are working diligently to “fundamentally change America.” The surprise election of Donald Trump in 2016 has hindered  their efforts but not eliminated them. In fact, they’ve doubled down. Trump was vilified for not saying ahead of time that he would accept the outcome of the 2016 election. He is being strongly criticized again for not making the same promise, but why should he accept the election results if evidence arises that the Democrats cheated? Vice-President Mike Pence was right when, during the Vice-Presidential debate on October 7, he told Kamala Harris,

Vice-Presidential debate, Wednesday, October 7, 2020

When you talk about accepting the outcome of the election, I must tell you, Senator, your party has spent the last three and a half years trying to overturn the results of the last election. It’s amazing. When Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, the FBI actually spied on President Trump and my campaign. I mean there were documents released this week that the CIA actually made a referral to the FBI documenting that those allegations were coming from the Hillary Clinton campaign, and of course, we’ve all seen the avalanche with the — what, what country’s been through for, for the better part of three years, until it was found that there was no obstruction, no collusion, case closed. And then Senator Harris, you and your colleagues in the Congress tried to impeach the president of the United States, over a phone call. And now Hillary Clinton has actually said to Joe Biden that under, in her words, under no circumstances should he concede election. So let me just say, I think we’re gonna win this election. President Trump and I are fighting every day in courthouses to prevent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from changing the rules and creating this universal mail-in voting, they’ll create a massive opportunity for voter fraud. We have a free and fair election; we know we’re going to have confidence in it. And I believe in all my heart that President Donald Trump’s gonna be reelected for four more years.

Go here to begin to explore some of the the scores of reasons Democrats gave for impeaching President Trump. Go here for some of the scores of ways they’ve opposed him during his first term, tooth and nail.

Why do leftists hate the president so thoroughly? Here is an article that cites seven reasons. I think the fifth is especially significant.

Trump is piece by piece dismantling the socialist, entitlement transformation President Obama started to build. With Democratic candidates moving further to the left and talking “democratic” socialism, President Trump has made it clear—”America will never be a socialist country!” The people who earn their way by working hard in America have a champion committed to protecting them from the selfish takers who would rather live off of someone else’s hard work.

Do not be fooled! The Democrats want desperately to reignite implementation of Obama’s leftist agenda! This must watch video explains broadly why the left’s prescription for America will destroy her.

Kamala Harris is a part of, and represents, the left wing of the Democrat party. Leftist Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and others, are positioning themselves to seize absolute power. Joe Biden is the placeholder, the man who, if elected, will not remain in office long.

Hunter Biden / Fox News / You Tube

Joe has had a reputation of being a “likable guy,” but he, too, is a leftist; and recent revelations place a glaring warning siren on his candidacy. Voters, beware! Corruption in the Biden family, including but not limited to the former Vice-President, apparently runs deep, and mainstream media sources are consistently ignoring this information! (Go here for an excellent analysis of recent news revelations regarding the former Vice-President and his son Hunter.) The Democrats, especially those on the left (and fewer and fewer Democrats aren’t leftists), actually hate America and all this nation stands for.

Leftists hate America and all she stands for.

Kamala Harris

Wise observes have noted that the unlikeable Harris, who ran for president on her own, was forced to drop out of the race even before the presidential primaries began. If Biden is elected, the otherwise unelectable Harris will slide in as Vice-President and then become President. Joe almost certainly won’t finish his first term. This is why political analyst Wayne Allen Root says if the Democrats win, “Get Ready for President Kamala Harris and Vice President Nancy Pelosi.”

Pelosi already is laying the groundwork. In early October, the Speaker of the House introduced legislation that, if passed, would authorize removal of the president based on the 25th Amendment. In a tweet, President Trump rightly observed that Speaker “Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!”

On her program, Laura Ingraham described exactly what Nancy and those working with her are up to. Once the Democrats regain power, how will they keep it? Recall the list that Sean Hannity offered in the clip we cited at the top — court packing, ending the legislative filibuster, maneuvering to eliminate the electoral college, adding DC and Puerto Rico as states (and thus adding 4 Democrat Senators to the Senate and Democrats to the House of Representatives), and open boarders.

To Be Continued…

There is much more to this than we’re able to explore in this one post. Look for part 2 in the next few days. Meanwhile, review what we noted in an earlier post titled “If the Democrats Win, Say Goodbye to Faith-Based Hospitals.” There we examined some of the ominous implications of these certain-to-take-place actions on the part of Democrats if they are put in charge.

Also, pray for America!


Copyright © 2020 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image credit: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash












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