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The Days Ahead

The country has never been more divided. At this point now, it’s hard to imagine how any type of “unity” will happen when so many Americans feel as if their feelings, voices, and beliefs are being “canceled” and “silenced.” Taking away people’s ability to grumble, share ideas, and express themselves is a dangerous and desperate move that can backfire in so many ways.
Missy Crane

Key point: Leftists are perfect tyrants because they have no principles. The days ahead will be challenging for conservatives, but the truth is on our side.

In his opening monologue on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson explained why tensions are so high in our country.

A page with the full text of this clip from Carlson’s monologue is available here.

The narrative of the left and a fair observation of events during the last year have sent the following unmistakable messages to conservative, God-fearing Americans.

The Tyrannical Left

      • Do whatever the state and its representatives tell you to do, even when these instructions violate your constitutional rights.
      • Churches are not essential. In fact, they may be dangerous.
      • If you are promoting a leftist cause, behave however you wish. You can even engage in violent behavior. Leftist spokesmen and leaders will defend your indefensible actions by saying you are participating in peaceful protests. Remember that during the summer, a resolution was offered in the House of Representatives calling for justice regarding the death of George Floyd but also condemning the violence and destruction occurring in cities in protests across the country. Not one Democrat voted in favor of the resolution. Not one! Instead, we got this:

Clockwise from top left: Representative Ayanna Pressley, Senator Kamala Harris, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

And this, from CNN spokesman Chris Cuomo:

These messages from the left also are unmistakably clear.

      • If you’re a conservative, and especially if you’re a Trump supporter, you’re a lunatic and a “threat to democracy.” Your candidate also is a threat to democracy and the Constitution. Moreover, you are vastly outnumbered in America.
      • You can vote, but you can’t win, unless we engineer it.
      • Why is the above item true? If you’re on the other side, if you’re a Democrat, it’s OK to cheat to win an election. You can cheat openly and even brag about it. You won’t be held accountable. In fact, your “win” will be recognized and celebrated.
      • When conservatives raise concerns about voter fraud, and even when they cite massive evidence of it (also go here), you will be ignored by the courts. They will dismiss your cases on procedural grounds and never even consider the evidence.
Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash
      • Your concerns will be ignored by the media and you even will be vilified.
      • Your elected representatives also will ignore you. This last item involves not just Democrats, but Republicans as well. We saw this in the US Congress on January 6, 2021. Consider, for example, Arizona, a battleground state where evidence of massive fraud abounds. Only six Senators voted to object to the slate of electors from there, despite the evidence. They were Ted Cruz of Texas, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, Josh Hawley of Missouri, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, John Kennedy of Louisiana, and Roger Marshall of Kansas.

The “Mob” at the Capitol

I believe the so-called “takeover” of the Capitol also has been misrepresented, despite everything that should never have happened.

      • First, it came at a point at which Trump supporters felt no one had listened to them, especially those who have a professional responsibility to do so.
      • Second, the dismissal from Vice-President Mike Pence and Congress of the concerns of half the country was a climactic event, and reflective of similar rejections in many arenas where conservatives should have been heard. The arenas include the traditional news media, social media platforms, the courts, and legislative bodies. For many weeks, Trump supporters had worked tirelessly to make their case, and they did so following the rules and the law of the land.
      • Third, Trump haters infiltrated the crowd to make Trump’s supporters look bad.
      • Finally, the violence that occurred was not what the Trump supporters were all about. Watch (also go here). Also, read Jon Harris’s report in the update at the bottom of this article.

Sadly, five deaths occurred. I am not minimizing the significance those, but I would encourage readers not to swallow the media narrative hook, line, and sinker. This narrative is extreme, and it’s being used as a manipulative tool. We need to maintain an awareness of the big picture. Overall, unmitigated violence was not the order of the day. More to the point, the crowd demonstrated it knows something that should be obvious to all. Certifying a fraudulent election does not make it legitimate; it delegitimizes the process even more. Even when they moved in on the Capitol, Trump supporters were endeavoring to persuade their elected representatives to uphold the constitutional rule of law after other elected officials and the courts repeatedly had turned deaf ears and blind eyes to it. Jon Harris makes this important point near the end of his January 7, 2021 podcast.

Certifying a fraudulent election does not make it legitimate; it delegitimizes the process even more.

Consider why people did what they did. Contrast what happened on January 6 to the overtly violent protests that took place this past summer. Those protestors were standing against the rule of law, and many people died. We remembered some of them in this article. Again, don’t forget that Democrats defended the violence as “mostly peaceful.” Consider this important reminder: Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos.

Totally Failing to Represent Constituents and to do Their Constitutional Duty

When order was restored at the Capitol on Wednesday, some lawmakers changed their minds about objecting to slates of electors where evidence of fraud was rampant. Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler stated, ” “When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now, in good conscience, object.” Yet what did the crowd’s actions have to do with voter fraud? Jacob Hall of The Iowa Standard rightly observed,

Some Republican senators, who said they planned to object to the Electoral College results, decided not to do that after the protest at the United States Capitol turned ugly.

I understand why Republican politicians would come out against the protest at the Capitol.

But I don’t understand why a politician would change his or her decision on certifying the results of the Electoral College because of the protest.

Let’s be clear, objections should be raised because the legislator has significant reason to suspect voter fraud or cheating.

Suspected voter fraud or cheating that occurred on Nov. 3 isn’t wiped away because of a protest on Jan. 6.

Let’s be clear, objections should be raised because the legislator has significant reason to suspect voter fraud or cheating. Suspected voter fraud or cheating that occurred on Nov. 3 isn’t wiped away because of a protest on Jan. 6.
—Jacob Hall, The Iowa Standard—

The Crackdown Gets Worse: Marginalizing and Effectively Criminalizing Conservatives

In the wake of the rally on January 6, the uprising, and the certification of a fraudulent election, Josh Hawley, a senator who challenged questionable results, is being punished. Josh Hawley’s upcoming book, The Tyranny of Big Tech, was cancelled by the publisher. Here was Hawley’s statement regarding the cancellation.Censorship of conservatives by Big Tech is not new, but it has now reached a fever pitch. Think of it! Donald J. Trump the President of the United States, has been permanently banned from Twitter!

Conservative spokesman Dan Bongino was on Hannity on Friday and warned of the consequences of squelching free speech.

Learn from History

On Parler, a Concerned patriot father of five wrote this:

Doesn’t anyone see that what happened Jan 6, eerily similar to what happen to the Reichstag in 1933 when Hitler and the SS burnt the building down but blamed it on the communist? It was done to eliminate their enemy and history is repeating itself, AOC calling for concentration camps, media calling for Trump and his family to be banded from having any voice? Don’t let MSM fool you this all is straight out of the communist and Nazis play book if we don’t wake up history is repeating itself right before our eyes, Hitler was never elected in either his leading Germany should have never happened in the beginning, he had a following but not completely in the beginning.

Unless things change, this will not end well. This is not the America in which we grew up.

Yet we cannot give up. May God help us to continue to stand strong for the Constitution, and most importantly, for the truth of His Word.



Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image credit: President Donald J. Trump


Additional information:


Update: Posted here on January 11, 2021
From Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter, who was in Washington DC on January 6:

I’ve probably spent 10 hours reconstructing what happened at the Capitol. Censorship has made this process more difficult, but I think I’ve gotten about as far as I’ll get at this point. Unpreparedness and Chaos are both good words to describe what happened inside the Capitol. There were members of radical groups, including some sympathetic with Antifa who were present and did help instigate along with angry Trump supporters.

Hundreds of Trump supporters made it into the Capitol. The police were totally unprepared. In some instances the police let protestors near or inside the Capitol. In others, they retreated after struggling with protestors. The vast majority of the those who made it into the building were angry but peaceful, staying in walkway areas, picking up trash, etc.

Many thought they were allowed in. Some of this is due to the fact they were not at the front of the line where, if there was a struggle, few witnessed it. Police officers giving directions and allowing selfies to be taken with protestors, etc. also contributed to this sense.

It is important to realize that those in the front at the Capitol, where agitation occurred, could NOT have been present for all of Trump’s speech, and most were probably not present for any of it. Those who listened and followed Trump’s instructions arrived much later.

Trump called for a peaceful march, but some mainstream media reported that Trump supporters were storming the Capitol before his speech was even complete. The most loyal Trump supporters (who cared about his words) were not present for any of the initial confrontations.

The motive of the majority, as represented in video testimony, seems to be a somewhat naïve and sincere attempt to inform their representatives to not certify fraudulent electoral votes. There was a very small, but evil minority who stole items and disheveled offices etc.

The hundreds of thousands outside the Capitol, of which I was a part, had no idea of what happened inside. If the goal of the majority had been to have an “insurrection” there would have been one, and no one present could have stopped the crowd. The crowd did NOT want that.

This is further reinforced by the fact that many videos show Trump supporters tackling or confronting individuals they believe to be Antifa members who are damaging property outside the Capitol. We witnessed no property destruction and neither did hundreds of thousands.

I can speculate about why most riot police were hrs late, why Capitol police were ill prepared & allowed & directed protestors to enter in some instances, why some of the outfits (helmets, tactical gear, etc.) worn in videos by protesters weren’t present at the Trump rally…

… Why the riot police who were present stood down, why multiple sources claim “Antifa” or some kind of group of radicals came from a different direction than those streaming in from the Trump rally (and the list goes on)…

But, there are some conclusions I CAN reach that do not fit the media narrative.

1) Trump did not call for violence. He called for peace in his speech, and again in a video Twitter deleted.

2) 98% of attendees had no participation or knowledge about what took place inside.

3) Most of the hundreds who made it inside had no desire to harm anyone or anything and remained civil.

4) After a young lady, who was not behaving violently, was unexpectedly killed by an officer those inside left and seemed both shocked and surprised violence occurred.

5) The lack of preparedness and incompetence on the part of whoever(s) controlled law enforcement can only be due to extreme negligence or evil intent.

6) Condemning Trump or his supporters as a group for what happened is simply lying.











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