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We Must Stop Allowing Government-Run Schools to Indoctrinate Our Children, Part 2

And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America — against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department and the military — is to take their children out of America’s schools.
Dennis Prager

Key point: Christian parents must take charge of their children’s education and work diligently to instill in them a biblical worldview. If they don’t, they are likely to lose them to secular and godless ideologies.

A young man was giving an account of his recent parachute jump to his friend. “It was quite an experience!” he said. “I jumped out of the plane, counted down, and pulled the cord. I did everything I was supposed to do.”

“That’s good!” said his friend.

“Well, no. That was bad. The parachute didn’t open!”

“Oh, that’s bad.”

“Well, not all bad. I looked down, and I saw a big haystack in the field we had been flying over. I was headed straight for it.”

“That’s good!”

“No, that was bad. As I got closer, I saw that there was a pitchfork sticking right up out of the haystack.”

“That’s bad.”

“Well, no, not too bad. As it turned out, I missed the pitchfork.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

“No, it wasn’t so good. I missed the haystack, too!”

In our part 1, we shared bad news and good news.

      • The bad news is that the public education system in America has become an institution dedicated to indoctrinating our children in leftist, ungodly ideologies — including critical race theory and tenets of the radical LGBT agenda.
      • The good news, however, is that recently there has been strong pushback from the public, especially parents and some teachers. They want to hold school boards and administrators accountable, as is their right. They want kids to be educated, not indoctrinated. The resistance to leftist dogma in America’s public schools is strong and is growing.

Of course, we are grateful for the good news and encourage ongoing involvement in the movement to take back our schools from government bureaucrats. The resistance movement must continue, and it must grow. Hopefully, it will.

Now, Some More Bad News

Byron “Tanner” Cross

Even if it does, there is additional bad news we have to face. Last time we met Tanner Cross and Lilit Vanetsyan, two public school teachers in Northern Virginia who are genuinely interested in educating young people and who are refusing to bow down to the politically correct narrative. There are other teachers who believe as they do, but they are being intimidated into silence. Appearing on Fox News, Lilit Vanetsyan said teachers are hesitant to speak out against leftist ideologies because they don’t want to risk losing their jobs. Nevertheless, Vanetsyan believes that the movement of which she is a part can effect needed change: “I think that if we continue this path that we are on, if we continue showing up and holding our school boards accountable, holding the schools accountable, holding the elected officials accountable, then we can start to see some pushback.”

Lilit Vanetsyan

I am extremely grateful for every Tanner Cross and every Lilit Vanetsyan out there teaching members of younger generations. Yet the harsh reality is that there are not enough of them. Moreover, leftists have been infiltrating and seizing control of government schools for decades, and leftist teachings are embedded therein. There’s more. If the pushback against this takeover of our children’s minds has begun in earnest, it only has begun. Radical activists won’t take any demand for accountability sitting down. Cultural watchdog and CRT critic James Lindsay recently tweeted,

As you can probably imagine, the massive rebranding of Critical Race Theory is about to begin in schools, etc., now that people know what it is and don’t like it. (Next step will be to rebrand and criticize CRT itself while still doing CRT.) Gotta keep your eyes open.

Leftists have been infiltrating and seizing control of government schools for decades, and leftist teachings are embedded therein. If the pushback against this takeover of our children’s minds has begun in earnest, it only has begun. Radical activists won’t take any demand for accountability sitting down.

We must become informed and stay informed (more on that in a moment). We must demand accountability from our public schools and refuse to accept anything less. We didn’t get into the thick of this forest overnight, and we won’t emerge from it overnight, either!

Photo by Vital Sinkevich on Unsplash

Parents, Take Charge!

Mark Schneider / Protect Our Kids

Here’s the bottom line for parents. You must take charge of your kids’ education. You have to stand between leftists who want to program your children against America, American ideals, and you. And you have to say no to them.

Gheorghe Roșca / Protect Our Kids

A first step in this direction is to become informed. Although I don’t know nearly enough to educate you on leftists’ efforts to indoctrinate children in and through the public schools, I know of two gentlemen who do. Please allow me to introduce you to Mark R. Schneider, a Christian attorney; and Gehorghe Rosca, Jr., a civil engineer, a pastor, and an American immigrant from Romania. Mark and Gheorghe also are dads, but at different stages in life. Mark and his wife have two adult children whom they homeschooled, and Gheorghe and his wife have four school-age kids.

Having become familiar with — and alarmed by — efforts in their home state of California to indoctrinate kids in leftist ideologies, Mark and Gheorghe founded Protect Our Kids (POK). The website for the organization is Significantly, Mark and Gheorghe see the threat to children as three-pronged. Today

the purpose of [public] education is, above all, to promote a Progressive worldview. This purpose is being accomplished through three intersecting agendas:

          • Comprehensive Sexuality Education
          • Critical Race Theory
          • Historical Revisionism

Together, these agendas threaten not only the health and well-being of our nation’s most fragile members, but our future as a free people. This site serves to shine light on these threats by providing evidence of their existence, the harms they present, and the options parents have to protect their children from them.

Together, these agendas [being pushed in America’s public schools] threaten not only the health and well-being of our nation’s most fragile members, but our future as a free people.
—Mark Schneider and Gheorghe Rosca, Jr.—

Not Just California

Many will recognize the similarity between the logo for POK and the California flag, but don’t let this likeness mislead you. Although it focused on California policies and legislation to a great extent in its early days, POK has a much more extensive reach now and is working with pro-family organizations in numerous other states to educate and equip parents to take back the education of their children from government run schools. Hear Mark and Gheorghe talk about this journey in this audio clip from the inaugural broadcast of Say What?! POK’s weekly podcast.

California actually is a great place for a substantial resistance movement to be launched. The Golden State has led and continues to lead America down a destructive educational path. Be keenly aware that the educational poison that initially infiltrated California public schools is now practically everywhere. Moreover, in California, things continue to worsen.

In this second clip, hear Gheorghe talk about the resources available on the Protect Our Kids website.

A Plan of Action

I want to encourage every parent and every concerned citizen to listen to the Say What?! podcasts and to explore the website of Protect our Kids. Mark and Gheorghe will help you put your mind around what is happening in America in public education.

This is a first step. Beyond this, take appropriate action with regard to public education in your community — yes — but primarily with regard to your own children.

I close with this word of encouragement from Mark Schneider.

Thus, we’re back to where we began. Parents and other concerned citizens are fighting back. This is a movement that needs your involvement. How will you respond?


Likeminded organizations that also can be of help:

      • The Exodus Mandate headed by Ray Moore is a great storehouse of information on public education and the Christian and homeschool education movement.
      • A ministry dedicated to helping parents instill a biblical worldview in their children through Christian education is RenewaNation.

Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.


Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture has been taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

top image credit: Photo by Nick Quan on Unsplash

image credit: Flag of the State of California














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