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Thabiti Anyabwile

Beware of Gaslighters and Their Tactics

The following is adapted from “Social Justice: A Different Gospel, Part 3.” The complete Article is available here.


Pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger writes that forgiveness and reconciliation aren’t ever mentioned on BLM’s websites. Emphasizing the past offenses of whites will never bring the races together “if there is no intention of forgiveness. I’m tired of the deeply prejudiced oppressed/oppressor critical race theory paradigm. It’s not Gospel-centered. This should, immediately, be a deal-breaker for Christians.”

I’m tired of the deeply prejudiced oppressed/oppressor critical race theory paradigm. It’s not Gospel-centered. This should, immediately, be a deal-breaker for Christians.
—pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger—

Consider the assertion of Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile that white people, including white Christians, need to confess that “their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit” in the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968: Dr. King’s death, wrote Anyabwile,

Thabiti Anyabwile

gives us opportunity to reflect on his legacy. But it also gives opportunity to reflect on that twist in our soul that rose up and killed him. It gives opportunity to repent of the things some have with too much pride too often refused to admit is there.

James Earl Ray, Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassin

My white neighbors and Christian brethren can start by at least saying their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit in murdering a man who only preached love and justice.

Recall that Dr. King was assassinated by James Earl Ray shortly after 6:00 p.m. on April 4, 1968.

Further, let us not miss the fact that Anyabwile doesn’t just want white Christians to confess that their “parents and grandparents are complicit” in Dr. King’s death; he wants them to start there!

Virgil Walker, himself black and involved in ministry, wrote this about the never-ending demands placed on whites by social justice crusaders, in this case via the organization Black Lives Matter: “When you follow the BLM/Social Justice Gospel, the lengthy list of ‘works’ required to atone for the sins of others NEVER ends. Furthermore, it changes everyday as someone more WOKE (woker than thou) provides you with a new list.”

When you follow the BLM/Social Justice Gospel, the lengthy list of “works” required to atone for the sins of others NEVER ends. Furthermore, it changes everyday as someone more WOKE (woker than thou) provides you with a new list.
—Virgil Walker—

This isn’t the gospel; instead, it is bondage with no relief in sight.

Yet, even Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, is buying into this narrative.


Next: Tim Keller


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