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Dutch Sheets: One of the Most Egregious Government Actions Yet, and What You Can Do About It

Rev. Dutch Sheets released this video on You Tube on August 24, 2022. “Give Him Fifteen” is a regular podcast in which Rev. Sheets keeps his viewers informed about how they can pray for and make a positive difference in the church, culture, and society.

A printer-friendly PDF file of this presentation is available here.

Hello and thank you once again for joining me for Give Him Fifteen. Today’s post is very important and the title is, “One of the Most Egregious Government Actions Yet.”

Today I want to make you aware of the Biden administration’s attempt to expand Title IX. This has been called one of the largest most aggressive social engineering overreaches of the government in America’s history. It is nothing less than a federally mandated indoctrination of our children. Vernadette Broyles of Child and Parental Rights Campaign says this regulation “will directly affect 77 million children, requiring the normalization and unquestioned acceptance of gender identity ideology as part of their school environment.”

The threat to parental rights, children’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, religious liberties, freedom of speech, girls’ safety and sports, and more is potentially devastating. So, what is Title IX? Title IX of the education amendments was enacted by Congress in 1972 to eliminate discrimination in education based upon sex or gender — eliminate discrimination in education based upon sex or gender — against girls and women in particular. It states no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. When Title IX was passed, girls and women faced high barriers to pursuing educational opportunities, particularly in higher education. Title IX was designed to remove those barriers and now represents 50 years of progress and education made by girls and women.

Title IX regulates every public K-12 school, college, and university in the nation, as well as every private school that takes federal funding. As a result, it has wide-reaching implications for tens of millions of children and parents across the country. The regulations implemented in Title IX were binary — based on two genders, male and female — recognizing biological distinctions where they matter and prohibiting discrimination based on biological sex or gender as Congress intended — until now.

The Proposed Changes

On July 12, 2022, the United States Department of Education published in the federal register a notice of proposed rule-making to rewrite the federal regulations governing Title IX. The proposed revised regulations would expand the scope of Title IX without congressional approval to include prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. This effective rewrite of Title IX’s fundamental purpose would have many devastating consequences for

      • parental rights,
      • free speech,
      • free exercise of religion,
      • girls’ sports, and
      • children’s health and safety.

Members of the public will have 60 days, or until September 12, 2022, to submit comments to the Department of Education outlining these harmful effects. And I’ll say more about this momentarily. Here’s what the proposed new regulations will do. This is by no means complete. I’ll give you a website at the end here where you can go read more, but here are some of what the proposed new regulations will do. First of all, create a new category of sex discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

They declare that preventing a student from participating in any school activity consistent with their gender identity subjects that student to harm. Failure to follow the new rules will risk a loss of federal funding. It will make upholding biological reality a form of sex-based harassment. In place of sexual harassment the new language is “sex-based harassment.” Actions like using a child’s given name and biologically accurate pronouns instead of a preferred name and pronouns may be regarded as sex-based harassment.

This will create a head-on collision with parental rights. The new regulations require K-12 schools to affirm a child’s asserted gender identity as a matter of federal law. This will involve school officials in life-altering decisions affecting the health, well-being of children — something they’re not qualified to do. It will further encourage school officials to use certain parental authority without notice or consent of, and even over the objections of, parents when it comes to gender identity. This will potentially drive a wedge between children and their parents at the time when children need parents the most.

The regulations also expand Title IX’s reach to include what occurs outside of school. Because they deem failure to treat students consistent with their gender identity subjects that student to harm, activists will be able to report to state child protective services parents who uphold biological reality and refuse to allow school officials to endorse their child’s discordant gender identity. In other words, if you disagree with a child in the school, they call child protective services, and they can come and take your kid. Since this would be a federal law, the obligation to comply with the proposed regulations is not alleviated by any state or local law, or other requirement.

Therefore these regulations will create legal uncertainty about the enforceability of state laws protecting parental rights where they conflict with the new federal Title IX regulations. In other words, if the state passes a law to protect parents from this, federal law will supersede the state law. This will assuredly be exploited by activist officials and likely require expensive court action to obtain a resolution to the conflicts.

Schools will be required to permit biological males who identify as females to use private facilities set aside for females and vice versa. We’ve been hearing about this already. Girls, women, will have to surrender their right to privacy and will be placed at increased risk for harassment or assault by males who claim a female identity. These rules will require sex-separate sports to be based on gender identity instead of biological gender (sex). This will force girls and women to compete on an unfair basis for athletic opportunities and scholarships against males and create significant risk of injury for girls and women. We’re already seeing this happen. These regulations will promote and normalize gender identity ideology in our schools as mandated policy, and wrongfully encourage students to believe the children can be born in the wrong body. Let me read that again. These regulations will promote and normalize gender identity ideology in our schools as mandated policy, and wrongfully encourage students to believe that children can be born into the wrong body.

In other words, one of the one of the purposes of this is to normalize this entire gender identity ideology. Many children will then pursue chemical and surgical alterations that can have irreversible, life-altering consequences for them. This is so abhorrent to me — such as sterility, never be able to have children, lifelong sexual dysfunction, interrupting healthy growth and development, loss of bone density, cognitive problems, blood clots, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

While the proposed regulations would ensnare all children in a harmful ideology, they would with disproportionately harm minority and other disadvantaged children who remain trapped in public schools unable to flee the system.

In May, 2022, the US Department of Agriculture announced that in order for schools to receive funds for free student lunches, breakfast, and other food items, they must comply with its interpretation of Title IX and other food-related programs. In other words, you don’t do this you don’t get help to see these hungry kids. To receive food assistance under the new rule, the Biden administration is forcing schools to comply with allowing boys to use girls’ changing and restroom facilities, and forcing teachers to use inaccurate pronouns for children who believe they are transgender. This national school lunch program feeds nearly 30,000,000 children every day. Buck the system, and you don’t get the food.

None of these potential harms were contemplated by Congress when they enacted Title IX in 1972. Parents and faith and community leaders and educators must speak out courageously and clearly about the many destructive consequences these regulations will have if implemented. And we only have until September 12 to do so.

What must we do? For this situation we must pray and act now. Before the September 12 deadline, parents, grandparents — all of us who are concerned Americans — let’s do this. And here’s what we need for you to do.

Go to this website — It’s written for you; here’s the link, and if you’re, if you’re watching you can go to the website and see it first-hand, and use the link. Once you get to this website, watch the short but very powerful video [provided here for your convenience].

Then scroll down to here’s what to do. It will give you all the information you need. Please follow the instructions very carefully.

CPR — — has made this very easy as long as you follow their instructions carefully. They give you starter ideas for language, for what needs to be said, where to submit your formal comment. Use the website, it’s only a click. If you’re computer-challenged, ask a friend to help you. Do it! This is important! We need hundreds of thousands of people to do this over the next two weeks. [Rev. Sheets’s presentation was originally released on August 24, 2022). Please share this with others.

Let’s pray. Oh, and by the way, I believe my staff was actually showing you the video, or the page, what it looks like while we were, while I was talking about that, so hopefully you saw that and can recognize it more easily when you go there.

Father, we have nothing but compassion for those struggling with gender identity, but we reject every plan that forces unbiblical ideals and philosophies on us and our children. Continue to expose the evil agendas of those who oppose You and Your ways. We thank You for revealing their plans and exposing their foolish ideologies.

Continue shining Your light on their many efforts. Forgive us as a nation for voting into government positions those who oppose and dishonor You and Your Word, and forgive us for allowing educators over the past 40 years to indoctrinate a generation of Americans with humanistic and unbiblical philosophies. Help us to reverse this. As Your ecclesia — Your called-out ones — on  earth, we bind and forbid these efforts to indoctrinate and enslave our children. We boldly declare that they will fail, that the insanity of it will become clear. We ask you, Father, to cause millions of Americans to rise up and say, enough! Give wise strategies to those in government and in legal professions. May they be given Your wisdom. And lastly, we ask You to move on hundreds of thousands of Americans to take action against this plan. We ask for all of this in the powerful name of Jesus.

And our decree: We decree that the ungodly plans of the unrighteous will be exposed and will fail. Amen.

Thank you so much for joining me for this important post. Please take five minutes or so. Go to that website and send these comments where they need to go, and pray. Thank you, and I will see you tomorrow.