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Casting Doubt: The Legacy of Tim Keller, Part 1


The blurring of clarity is the compromising of truth.
—Pastor Jeff Kliewer

Key point: Tim Keller was a pastor and spiritual leader who is revered and respected by many. Even so, his reputation as an evangelical conservative is inconsistent with his track record of casting doubt on God’s Word through ambiguous and manipulative statements and conversational slight-of-hand. Don’t allow him or his teachings to mislead you or to cause you to question what God’s Word clearly teaches!

Carey Nieuwhof is the author of a fascinating article titled “5 Reasons People Have Stopped Attending Your Church (Especially Millennials).” Of the five reasons cited, the third arrested my attention:

3. Legitimate Doubt Is Prohibited.

Nieuwhof writes,

Honestly, I simply agree with this criticism. It is very difficult to have an honest conversation in many churches today.

In many conservative churches, legitimate questions get dismissed with pat—and often trite—answers. In many liberal churches, there is often so much ambiguity that questions that actually can be answered are left unresolved—as if leaders were taking people nowhere.

Without question, conservative churches — churches that uphold God’s Word as absolute truth — can and must do a better job of helping congregants and seekers, including members of younger generations, grapple honestly with their questions and doubts.

To continue reading, go here.


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