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An Excerpt from “Social Justice and Biblical Christianity Are Incompatible: Here’s Why, Part 3”

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Party Platforms Tell Us a Great Deal

Dr. Walter Strickland

We’re going to look briefly at several items in the Democrat Party platform. Some social justice warriors, such as Dr. Walter Strickland, have disparaged looking at party platforms for information to help one decide how to vote. In this Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Kingdom Diversity podcast, he says,

What happens is that we begin to default to these party platforms, either Republican or Democrat, and what we have to understand is that those party platforms aren’t “thus saith the Lord.” Only Scripture is, and the fact of the matter is this, that Scripture will cut against things that the Democratic and Republican parties have to say, and we have to be able to tow that line and say, “Granted, yes, we do have to cast a vote,” if you choose to vote, but Christians have to know that there’s not any party that’s the party of Christ.

Respectfully, I would love to tell Dr. Strickland that I’ve never heard any believer claim that anything in the party platforms represent a word from God. Rather, believers look to the party platforms to learn the stated intentions of the two parties and their respective candidates, then they evaluate those intentions against the truth of Scripture. This is both legitimate and wise. Furthermore, while it is true that “there’s not any party that’s the party of Christ,” and while it also is true that “Scripture will cut against things that [both] the Democratic and Republican parties have to say,” believers who can’t see that the Democrats are promoting an anti-God agenda are blind in the worst sort of way.


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