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Caleb Backholm: What Joe Biden Hasn’t Said Reveals Volumes

On his Facebook page on October 16, 2020, Caleb Backholm wrote this about the recent revelations regarding Joe Biden and his son Hunter:

Hunter Biden was a drug addict with a weakness for renting prostitutes caught up in human trafficking. He spoke no Ukrainian and had no experience in the gas and oil industry. But when Burisma, the high-profile Ukrainian power company, needed to add a couple board members, they decided that Biden and his business partner were a perfect fit. They “hired” them to the board and paid them both over $1 million each. For doing nothing.

Seem odd? I should mention that Hunter’s Dad was our Vice President and the sole man in charge of handing out tens of millions in US tax dollars to various Ukrainian companies. A total of $1 billion in loan guarantees.

I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

That looks pretty corrupt, and people in the Ukraine started asking questions. An investigator looked into it.

Joe Biden spoke on the record of what happened to that prosecutor.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired.”

The investigation was dropped and nothing came of it.

Later, Hunter Biden got $3.5 million from a political contact in Moscow. And later still, his company got over $1 billion to manage from the communist Chinese. All while his father was Vice President.

Follow the money. Joe Biden gives our money to whom he wants, when he wants. The companies he gives money to give some of it to Joe Biden’s family as a “thank you.” And I assume a chunk of that finds its way back into Joe Biden’s pocket, one way or another.

The message is out for the world to see. If Joe Biden regains power again, hire his friends and family — to anything you can — and you’ll see the windows of heaven opened and US tax dollars will rain down upon you.

And we wonder why Washington DC is completely recession-proof.

Emails this week came out showing Hunter Biden setting up a meeting between his father and a big-whig at Burisma. It’s not really news, but it does remind us of what happened, right before an election.

Could there really be an explanation beyond unseemly corruption here? Naw. Not really.

If there were, Joe Biden sometime last year would have said, “Here’s the deal. I know this doesn’t look good at first glance, but there’s a perfectly legitimate reason that Burisma hired my son and his friend to do nothing while I was shelling out tax dollars to Burisma. And that reason is…” and then he would go on to tell us the reason.

And then he would say, “And while I’m at it, you should know Hunter provided a valuable service to Moscow for that $3.5 million dollars he got from the mayor’s wife, and that service was…” and then he would tell us.

And then we would say, “Ah yes, that all makes sense now. I’m glad you cleared that up. I guess you aren’t totally crooked and laundering tax dollars to your relatives as it appeared.”

But of course, Joe Biden hasn’t said any of that. Because there isn’t an explanation other than “The Swamp being The Swamp.” Honesty is hard to come by in that town.

There are many reasons I prefer a small, limited government that takes and spends as little of the people’s money as possible. This is one of them.


Caleb Backholm is a business owner and an astute cultural observer.

Copyright © 2020 by Caleb Backholm. All rights reserved. Used by permission.