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Facing Reality

and Making the Most of It
a 4-part series

Facing Reality, Part 1—The Seven Pillars of Christianity, an Authentic Faith
What is Christianity? It’s certainly not a typical religion—that’s for sure! Actually, the thing that sets it apart from other religious faiths is its connection to reality. Because Christianity is true, it makes sense of the real world, the world in which we live. This post examines seven pillars of the Christian faith.

Facing Reality, Part 2—The Internal Consistency of the Christian Faith
Using the Seven Pillars of Christianity, this post explores how the Christian belief system is coherent and unified and why Jesus’ death was necessary to secure salvation for sinful humanity. You’ve heard harmony before—but there’s nothing like the harmony we see between the components of the Christian faith!

Facing Reality, Part 3—Why Jesus Is the Only Way to God, and Why Truth Claims to the Contrary are False
There are solid connections between absolute truth, Easter, and Jesus’ claim that He is the only way to God. The message of Easter refutes relativism—and this is good news! The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives Christians a solid rock on which to stand, and assurances relativists never can know!

Facing Reality, Part 4—God Reveals Truth About Himself: Eleven Things You Need to Know
God didn’t create the world and then hide. Rather, He has revealed Himself to humanity in a variety of ways. This article explores the remarkable theme of God’s disclosing truth about Himself to humanity. The truths He reveals are absolute, so we do well to heed them!

Copyright © 2017 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.