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Breaking Bread: Noah, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel

Breaking Bread
Two-Minute Bible Studies that Inform, Encourage, and Challenge

Breaking Bread consists of several series of studies highlighting information about themes, ideas, concepts, people, places, and events in Scripture.

This series highlights themes related to the Genesis Flood and the Tower of Babel. While B. Nathaniel Sullivan wrote all these articles, he wrote them before was established. Each of these posts appears on the Sunday School Zone website:

Access the Breaking Bread home page here.

Noah and the Flood

Longevity Prior to the Flood (Gen. 5)

Favor (Gen. 6:8)


Noah’s Ark: Its Size

Flood of Noah: Global or Local?

Rainbow (Gen. 9:13)

Wipe Off (Gen. 6:7)

Flood of Noah: New Testament References

Check out The Ark Encounter.

Read the Word Foundations Post About The Ark Encounter:


The Tower of Babel



Babel: The Backdrop of God’s Call to Abram

Babel: Undone at Pentecost