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We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals

Ballot initiatives relating to abortion will be considered in 2024 in many states, perhaps more than a dozen, including FloridaMarylandNew YorkNebraskaMontana, ArkansasColorado, Arizona, Nevada, MissouriSouth DakotaMaine, and Pennsylvania. Beware! Pro-abortion forces aren’t interested in a rational, reasonable debate. They will try to use Dobbs as an opportunity to promote their pro-death policies. Be assured that “pro-death” is an appropriate description of all they’re advocating.

We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals, Part 1
Militant abortion crusaders have lied about abortion for decades and have misled the public, convincing people en masse to accept it, even though they naturally have strong reservations about it. What dos the public really believe about abortion, and why? This article explores these questions.

We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals, Part 2
This article unveils some of the hardened attitudes that decades of abortion in America have produced among certain individuals. These attitudes are extreme. People who have them ignore rational arguments against abortion — which is not healthcare or a woman’s right. Don’t be fooled. Be informed, and inform others. Emotionalism must not be allowed to set liberal abortion policies in state after state where ballot measures will be considered in November of 2024.

We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals, Part 3
Do you really know how horrific abortion is? Do you know how the arguments for abortion parallel the arguments made to preserve slavery? Do you understand the legal rationale for overturning Roe v. Wade? Can you refute the arguments of abortion proponents when they claim abortion is necessary for women to live fulfilled lives in society? Do you understand the dangers abortion drugs pose to women? You won’t read any of this information in the mainstream media, but it is available here.

We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals, Part 4
Recently, comedian Bill Maher admitted that abortion is “kind of” murder, and he’s “just OK with that.” Are you OK with his being OK with that? This article cites a good number of significant reasons not to be.

We Must Expose the Extremism of Abortion Activists: They Are the Radicals, Part 5
Militant abortion activists are benefitting from the rhetoric of certain abolitionists, advocates for the preborn who are insisting on making all abortions illegal immediately. Abolitionists rightly warn against a form of incrementalism that never will bring our nation to the time and place where all abortions are deemed illegal. At the same time, they are wrong to condemn pro-lifers who are working to outlaw abortion but who are willing, for now, to support proposals that would save more babies, even though those proposals fall short of saving all. The advocates for life that some would call incrementalists don’t represent the greatest danger to preborn babies and their mothers, many of whom are vulnerable and frightened, and under great pressure to have abortions. Militant abortion radicals are the greatest threat, and their extremism urgently needs to be unmasked. This article challenges abolitionists to stop condemning incrementalists as evil promoters of abortion and to expose the extremism of the abortion movement itself, including its most hardened advocates.








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